Page 54 - Banking Finance November 2020
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             Board approved policies, a Master Agreement may be  reconstruction of Aldo Chavarria Hospital in the Republic
             entered into between the two partner institutions   of Nicaragua. Under the arrangement, financing of
             which shall inter-alia include, terms and conditions of  export of eligible goods and services from India, as
             the arrangement, the criteria for selection of partner  defined under the agreement, would be allowed subject
             institutions, the specific product lines and areas of  to their being eligible for export under the Foreign
             operation, along with provisions related to segregation  Trade Policy of the Government of India and whose
             of responsibilities as well as customer interface and  purchase may be agreed to be financed by the Exim
             protection issues, as detailed in the Annex.        Bank under this agreement. Out of the total credit by

         5. The Master Agreement may provide for the banks to    Exim Bank under the agreement, goods, works and
                                                                 services of the value of at least 75 per cent of the
             either mandatorily take their share of the individual
                                                                 contract price shall be supplied by the seller from India,
             loans originated by the NBFCs in their books as per the
             terms of the agreement, or to retain the discretion to  and the remaining 25 per cent of goods and services
                                                                 may be procured by the seller for the purpose of the
             reject certain loans after their due diligence prior to
                                                                 eligible contract from outside India.
             taking in their books, subject to the conditions specified
             in the Annex.                                    2. The Agreement under the LoC is effective from
         6. The banks can claim priority sector status in respect of  September 15, 2020. Under the LoC, the terminal
                                                                 utilization period is 60 months after the scheduled
             their share of credit while engaging in the CLM adhering
                                                                 completion date of the project.
             to the specified conditions.
                                                              3. Shipments under the LoC shall be declared in Export
         7. The CLM shall not be applicable to foreign banks
             (including WOS) with less than 20 branches.         Declaration Form as per instructions issued by the
                                                                 Reserve Bank from time to time.
         8. This circular supersedes the circular FIDD.CO.Plan.BC.08/
             04.09.01/2018-19 dated September 21, 2018. However,  4. No agency commission is payable for export under the
                                                                 above LoC. However, if required, the exporter may use
             outstanding loans in terms of the circular ibid would
             continue to be classified under priority sector till their  his own resources or utilize balances in his Exchange
             repayment or maturity, whichever is earlier.        Earners’ Foreign Currency Account for payment of
                                                                 commission in free foreign exchange. Authorised Dealer
         (Gautam Prasad Borah)                                   Category- I (AD Category- I) banks may allow such
         Chief General Manager-in-Charge                         remittance after realization of full eligible value of
                                                                 export subject to compliance with the extant
                                                                 instructions for payment of agency commission.
         Exim Bank's Government of India
                                                              5. AD Category – I banks may bring the contents of this
         supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD                   circular to the notice of their exporter constituents and
         20.10 million to the Government of the                  advise them to obtain complete details of the LoC from
                                                                 the Exim Bank’s office at Centre One, Floor 21, World
         Republic of Nicaragua                                   Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005

         RBI/2020-2021/64                                        or from their website
                                          November 05, 2020   6. The directions contained in this circular have been
                                                                 issued under section 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign
         1. Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered  Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 (42 of 1999)
             into an agreement dated June 12, 2020 with the      and are without prejudice to permissions/ approvals, if
             Government of the Republic of Nicaragua, for making  any, required under any other law.
             available to the latter, Government of India supported
             Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 20.10 million (USD Twenty  (R. S. Amar)
             million One Hundred thousand only) for the purpose of  Chief General Manager

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