Page 49 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 49


         suggestions, a committee has been constituted to suggest  both in the way of presentation and way of calculation
         possible changes in the regulatory provisions to improve the  of financials of the company. The choices so made affect
         independence of the auditing profession.                the financial reporting quality and earnings quality
                                                                 respectively of the company. Any dilution in earnings
         As regards the measures to improve the                  quality is much difficult to detect whereas it is possible
         independence of auditors, following measures            to detect dilution in the financial reporting quality. This
                                                                 aspect related to the application of accounting
         can be adopted:
                                                                 standards needs to be looked into by the MCA as well
         1) The fee for the auditors may be fixed by an appropriate  as the ICAI so that its misuse can be prevented.
             government authority like MCA or CAG.
                                                                 Safeguards need to be developed for the same.
         2) An auditor should be barred from doing non-audit work
                                                              6) In case of large companies, only those auditors should
             for the firm whose financials he/she is auditing. To  be mandated to be hired by them who possess certain
             ensure that the auditors do not lose any income due to  minimum years of experience. The number of years of
             this provision, auditor of firm A may take up non-audit
                                                                 experience required may be fixed by the MCA. It will
             work of firm B and auditor of firm B may take up non-  check deliberate hiring of inadequately experienced
             audit work of firm A.                               auditors by the management.
         3) The appointment of auditors should be done by an
             independent authority and not the management of the  Finally, it can be said that the auditing profession is one of
             company.The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) may  the pillars supporting the economy of the country. The
             be an appropriate authority in this regard.      strength of this pillar is of utmost importance in ensuring
                                                              good health of the economy. There are multiple factors at
         4) An auditor/audit firm should be allowed a maximum
                                                              play which lead to dilution of audit quality in business entities
             tenure of 3 years/5 years only in a company instead of
             the present maximum tenure of 5 years and 10 years  and some such factors have been enumerated above. There
                                                              is an urgent need for all the stakeholders to ponder over
             for individuals and audit firms respectively. This will
                                                              the issue and initiate measures for plugging the loopholes
             reduce to a great extent the possibility of an auditor/
             audit firm developing any personal relationship with the  in the auditing profession.
             promoters of the unit.
         5) Choices in the application of accounting standards
             enable the auditors to easily accede to the requests of
             the management for presentation of financials in a  2)
             certain way that suits the management. Choices exist  3)

           In Banking Finance September 2020 issue an article was published Institutional Protection Scheme for Urban C-operative
           Banks: Lessons from German Co-operative Financial Network authored by Dr Ashish Srivastava, AGM, College of Agricul-
           tural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune. In the said article on Page number 35 in first Column, fifth paragraph please
           read the figures as Rs.48 billion instead of 48 million.
           Also as per a recent amendment the deposit insurance in India has now changed from Rs.1 lakh (0.1 Million) to Rs. 5 lakh.
           The above errors are regretted.

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