Page 44 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 44


         MSMEs. CAs represents the Entrepreneurs while interacting
         with the Bank officials and convinces the Bank on the
         present and future Business plans. The cost of the Financial
         Consultants is also a burden on the MSMEs.

         Constitution of a Panel of Consultants - For the purpose
         of technological advancement and guidance a panel of
         experts and consultants should be prepared, who can help
         the MSMEs within the region for transferring the available
         technologies effectively. The constitution of panel of these
         consultants could be nature wise of the activities of the
         MSME. At the time of constitution of panel of experts, there
         should be inclusion of the owners of different sectors of

         Special Market teams - Banks have to form special teams  Rehabilitation of viable sick units - There is a lot of scope
         to source the MSME proposals at specific locations. Formal  for sick MSMEs for rehabilitation through further injection
         sector Financing Agencies are still unreachable to the  of funds in the business by the Banks other than interest
         MSMEs which are in unorganized sector. Banks have to come  concessions. The tendency shows that Banks do not
         to the field for a merit based successful Bank linkages.  undertake rehabilitation program on account of higher risks.
                                                              A positive approach of banker will help thousands of sick
         Relaxation in labour laws and red tape - There should be  MSMEs to take a turn around.
         relaxation in complex labour laws to avoid the inconvenience
         in compliance.                                       Budgetary Support (2020-21) & Initiatives by GOI - The
                                                              importance of MSMEs is reiterated in all policy documents
         Regulatory - One "all India all-purpose" enactment as MSME  and the latest budget (2019-2020) is no different:
         regulation to be adopted by all stakeholders in MSME system
         with one window and one annual return compliance filing  Delay in Payments - The budget has attempted to fix the
         coupled with significant direct tax incentives and indirect tax  problem of delays in payments to MSMEs. The government
         exemptions.                                          has spoken of creating a payment platform for MSMEs to
                                                              facilitate the billing and payments through it. This is in sync
         Performance incentives - Direct incentives in form for direct  with the UK Sinha Committee recommendations on MSME
         taxes rebates and set offs, weighted deductions and reliefs  reforms.
         in indirect taxes combined with low cost funding and credit
         access for stakeholders in MSME eco system who make  Psb 59minuteloan - The extension of the 59-minute loan
         investments in desired areas and achievement of desired  scheme to new entrepreneurs will fit well with the
         growth results in developing MSME funding and        government's emphasis on start-ups and MSME.
         infrastructure skills, technology, innovation, global market
         access, indigenization, public procurement and vendor  Collateral Free Loan - The limit for collateral-free loans has
         development, traditional and heritage industry       been raised to Rs. 20 lakh from Rs. 10 lakh.
                                                              SIDBI Involvement - Institutional changes in SIDBI should
         Rationalization of NPA norms - MSMEs face business   be done so that it can be elevated as a market maker for
         uncertainties which are general factors in the business of  funding of MSMEs. SIDBI should be involved in getting micro-
         that size. It could be because of delayed receivables or  finance institutions (MFIs) and non-banking finance
         temporary liquidity crunches. Classification of NPA for  companies (NBFCs) to finance MSMEs, and venture capital
         default of three Months is not genuinely applicable to  funds would be an integral part of the system that is linked
         MSMEs. It should be 6 months or  more.               to potential borrowers.

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