Page 42 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 42


         Change in Govt. & its Policy: India is a Republic country  ;  Unjustified and continuous excesses / ad-hoc sanctions.
         and each Govt. has its own agenda.  Eventually Policies and  ;  Non inspection of prime securities at regular intervals.
         rules have been framed or changed by each government;
                                                              ;  Failure to identify early warning signals at the right time
         these changes directly or indirectly impact on the business
                                                                 and take remedial measures.
         houses. For example, Ban of particular items for export or
         import from any country, Increase of Taxes, Demonetization  ;  Failure in due diligence (especially new / taken over
         etc. Our interaction and on the above, it reveals that overall  accounts).
         business has impacted a lot due to change of government  ;  Business failures and other external reasons.
         and hence account turns to NPA.
                                                              ;  Willful default
         Lack of effective Monitoring:   In various audit and Vigilance
                                                              Challenges to Banks/FIs - The Banks/financial institutions
         cases in PSB, it is observed that in most of the NPA/Frauds
                                                              face severe challenges that limit their ability to provide
         accounts, post inspection either has not been done or if
                                                              financing solutions to MSMEs:
         done then with casual approach. Had the Monitoring done
         properly, the account could have been saved.         High transaction cost and lower margins - For banks and
                                                              NBFCs, financing MSMEs is both an expensive and a high-
         Inappropriate technology: Technology  needs  to  be  risk proposition. Constantly monitoring and engaging with
         upgraded. Further, it is observed that a person is availing  MSMEs monitoring and engaging with MSMEs is considered
         loans from different banks/branches with same documents.  too high a cost of business. The average size of credit
         Hence, Technology may be upgraded so that he cannot cheat  extended by formal financial institutions based on assessed
         the bank.                                            repayment capacity is even lower. On account of factors
                                                              such as smaller ticket size, high cost of due diligence and
         Industrial sickness: Industrial Sickness is one of the most  collections, the profit margin from MSME loans is generally
         affected root causes for NPA for MSME sector and recently  low, especially for traditional financial institutions. These are
         this is nearly increased by 27%.                     therefore inherent challenges for these institutions from
                                                              pursuing MSME accounts actively.
         Reasons for large slippages-
         ;   Poor / ineffective monitoring especially in accounts up  Low-risk appetite - Financial institutions typically perceive
                                                              MSMEs as a high-risk segment on account of their
             to Rs.10.00 lacs.
                                                              incomplete understanding of MSME businesses. Given their
         ;   Non adherence to sanction terms & conditions.
                                                              limited operations and resources, when banks do invest in
                                                              providing loans to enterprises, they prefer to work with
                                                              medium enterprises. That is because these businesses have
                                                              more stable cash flows, formalized operational processes,
                                                              and adequate collateral, affording a greater margin of
                                                              safety and less resource-intensive due diligence to
                                                              understand their business model. Risk aversion is topmost
                                                              concern in the case of Public Sector banks due to the
                                                              prospect of officers facing investigation from the Central
                                                              Vigilance Commission and Central Bureau of Investigation
                                                              when loans go bad.

                                                              Conservative Underwriting Process - The issue of higher
                                                              risk aversion in the case of MSME loans, especially loans to
                                                              micro and small enterprises, is further exacerbated by
                                                              conservative credit evaluation that places too much

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