Page 41 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 41


         organized and formalized book keeping systems. This
         effectively results in enterprises qualifying for much smaller
         than what is needed.

         Inadequate collateral -  Micro and early- stage small
         enterprises typically do not have adequate access to
         immovable collateral that meets the criteria of financial
         institutions. This increases the credit risk perception of
         MSMEs. While banks and most NBFCs continue to insist on
         collateral requirement, MSMEs overwhelmingly prefer a
         loan option that does not require collateral when given the

         Limited equity base - On account of their inadequate equity  Rising Stress/NPA Ratios across MSE and Overall Portfolios
         base, MSMEs often take loans from multiple lenders,  of SCBs - According to data from TransUnion CIBIL, NPA
         overextending themselves financially and making them  rates across the MSME sector spiked in the quarter ending
         vulnerable to defaulting. Additionally, these enterprises also  June 2019. Among firms with credit exposure of less than a
         access credit from informal sources, which are not reported  crore, the NPA rate jumped to 8.7% from 8.1% in the
         to credit bureaus. Hence, financial institutions continue to  previous quarter. The NPA problem, though, increases with
         err on the side of caution and are discouraged from providing  the size of the loan disbursed. Firms in the bigger credit
         debt finance to MSMEs.                               exposure segment (exceeding Rs. 25 crore) have NPA rates
                                                              of around 18%. Though private sector banks and non-
         Competition from multinational companies - In present  banking financial companies (NBFCs) increasingly account for
         era of globalization, the MSME`S are facing the great  a greater share of the credit to MSMEs, the biggest formal
         competition from the international manufacturing     credit source for MSMEs remain public sector banks (PSBs).
         companies who are providing quality goods at cheapest
         price. Therefore, it is very difficult to compete with the  As of June 2019, nearly half of all credit disbursed to MSMEs
         multinational companies.                             came from PSBs and these are the banks most vulnerable
                                                              to MSME-related NPAs. In the June 2019 quarter, 16% of
         Poor infrastructure - Though, MSME`S are developing so  all PSB MSME credit was NPAs (up from 14.5% in the same
         rapidly but their infrastructure is very poor. With poor  quarter in June 2017) nearly three times the rates in private
         infrastructure, their production capacity is very low while  banks and NBFCs. Within MSMEs, some industries are
         production cost is very high.                        suffering more. According to the TransUnion CIBIL report,
                                                              the textile sector and the construction sector have the
         Unavailability of raw material and other inputs -  For  highest MSMEs NPA rates, while the auto industry is
         MSME's required raw material skilled work force and other  relatively less affected.
         inputs, which are not available in the market. Due to
         unavailability of these essentials, it is very difficult to produce  Reasons of Stress/NPA in MSME sector: There are several
         the products at affordable prices.                   reasons of stress build-up in MSME sector:
                                                              Accidents/Natural calamities: A natural disaster is a major
         Lack of distribution of marketing channels - The MSME`S  adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth;
         are not adopting the innovative channels of marketing.  examples are floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic
         Their advertisement and sales promotion are comparatively  eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, and other
         weaker than the multinational companies are. The     geologic processes. MSME sector is one of the affected.
         ineffective advertisement and poor marketing channels  Southern part of India had witnessed natural calamities
         leads to a very poor selling.                        being on seashore as flood, tsunami etc.

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