Page 36 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 36


                                                                 and requires a lot of effort to send this data to other
                                                                 service providers.

                                                                 Blockchain technology would allow farmers to store all
                                                                 of their data in one place so that it can easily be
                                                                 accessed by those who need it, simplifying the entire
                                                                 process and saving valuable time and energy. For
                                                                 instance, they'd be able to keep track of things such as:
                                                                 Y   Their business goals and how they plan to reach
                                                                     these goals.
                                                                 Y   The number of animals, health issues with animals,
                                                                     what they eat, and how often they should be fed.
             the sensors to provide useful insights. Predictive models
                                                                 Y   How many different crop varieties are there, when
             can drive several high-value use-cases including: Crop  they were planted, and how they are performing?
             Identification, Crop Quality Recommendations, Crop
             Yield Prediction, Grow Score (Automated crop growth  Y  Their employee schedule, how much each
             factor), Crop Demand Prediction. Blockchain combined    employee needs to be paid, and how many hours
             with IoT can facilitate farmers and other stakeholders  each employee has worked.
             in taking optimum decisions.                        Y   Income and expenses.

         (b) Agricultural Insurance                              Keeping track of everything on a single application
             Weather extremes threaten agricultural production,  instead of having a variety of different methods clarifies
             putting food security at risk. Both, crop and livestock  the process and diminishes the chance of valuable
             production are affected, and climate change is expected  information getting lost.
             to further exacerbate weather extremes in the future.
                                                              (d) Food supply chain
             In case of the damage during a weather crisis, farmers  Blockchain acts as a record keeper for multiple
             can quickly apply for the crop insurance claim amount  industries; it can keep track of everything so increases
             through the blockchain. The transparent and         transparency in the food supply chain. The blockchain
             immutable behavior of the blockchain will enable    technology enables the traceability of information in the
             insurance companies and other authorized parties to  food supply chain and thus helps improve food safety. It
             access the data captured by the smart weather station  provides a secure way of storing and managing data,
             easily. They can directly query the blockchain to fetch  which facilitates the development and use of data-driven
             the required information with the help of smart     innovations for smart farming and smart index-based
             contracts. After the insurance claim request is approved,  agriculture insurance. In addition, it can reduce
             farmers will automatically get the requested amount  transaction costs, which will benefit farmers' access to
             in their respective wallets. Therefore, a blockchain-  markets and generating new revenue streams. It brings
             enabled solution can help farmers get the compensation  trust and transparency in the food supply chain
             seamlessly and quickly. Here, farmers pay an insurance  ecosystem, ensuring food safety for everyone.
             premium before the cropping cycle begins and receive
             an insurance payout whenever they experience a loss  (e) Transactions of agricultural products
             on their farm.                                      Blockchain technology may provide proper solutions for
                                                                 many aspects of problems faced by traders and
         (c) Increased Efficiency for Farmers                    consumers. It can link the data of all aspects of planting
             Most farmers use a combination of multiple apps     and harvesting of agricultural products safely and
             developed by software Development Company,          unchangeably by maintaining information security. It
             spreadsheets, and notes to record their data and    could enable supply chain management more efficiently
             manage their processes. However, this is complicated  than traditional monitoring mechanisms. Every link in

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