Page 31 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 31


         THE 'CERBERUS

         TROJAN' : WAY

         TO 'PAATAL LOK'

                   "Let no such man be trusted"               to be the watchdog of the underworld. Here, this banking
                                           -- William Shakespeare  Trojan (a Trojan is a malicious code or software that looks
                                                              legitimate) was created in 2019 and is a malware for hire
         On one side the entire world is going through tough time of  for banking forums. It allows remote attackers to take
         Coronavirus (COVID-19) and on the other side hackers/  control over infected android devices and can take
         fraudsters are using malicious Trojan virus 'Cerberus' to steal  screenshots, send, delete SMSes, and most importantly,
         the users' financial data such as credit card details & Banking  steal your account information.
         account details.
                                                              This malicious software takes advantage of COVID-19
         With the rise of cyber threats from Cerberus, the CBI has  pandemic to impersonate and lure the victim by sending
         put out an alert on malware that could steal your financial  SMS containing COVID-19 related content to download the
         information.                                         embedded malicious link and deploys its malicious app,
                                                              which usually spread via phishing campaigns to trick users
         What is Cerberus?                                    into installing it on their smartphones.
         Cerberus, in Greek mythology, a multi-headed monster said
                                                              This Trojan primarily focuses on stealing financial data such as
                                About the author              credit card details, bank accounts information, passwords etc.
                                                              The stolen data could be used to make unauthorized
                         Suraj Kumar Shoundik                 transactions from the compromised credit card/ Bank accounts.
                         Manager (Research)
                         State Bank Institute of Credit & Risk  Understanding a banking Trojan?
                         Management, Gurugram                 A banking Trojan is a malware that disguises itself as a

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