Page 26 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 26






         C        yber Security has become a major requirement  Security Policies so that it can be a guiding light for the

                  forall the individuals and organisations that are
                                                              employees working in those organisations because if those
                  doing any of the activity related to IT
                                                              measures are not adhered, it may result in loss of data as
                  (information technology), as there is a major
         threat from various sources involved in cyber crime. Cyber  well as financial loss to customers as well as to the bank
                                                              which may lead to loss of reputation to such organisations
         Security provides the protection from any damage to  and their integrity may also become doubtful.
         software, hardware, network or electronic data from such
         external sources.                                    In earlier times, most of us were doing transactions through
                                                              banking sector by going physically. But with the increase of
         The extensive usage of internet and digitisation in most of  digitisation and time constraints organisations being
         the organisations including banks has also increased the  technology driven, customers especially those of new
         Cyber risks to the people engaged or linked to these  generation are doing their transactions on one or another
         organisations especially to those using digital platform. That's  digital platform as per their ease of use and availability.
         why most of the organisations are having their own Cyber  Earlier for doing digital transactions, a person used to go to
                                                              cyber café. But later on, those who were able to afford were
                                                              doing the same on their laptops.
                               About the author
                                                              But now most of the transactions are being done on mobile.
                        Tushar Maheshwari                     But due to lack of awareness or carelessness, very less
                        Manager ( Faculty)                    persons are taking security in their mobiles. They are not
                        Union Bank of India Staff  Training
                        College, Bengaluru                    using antivirus for their mobiles so that they can save their
                                                              mobile and hence the data and personal information stored

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