Page 29 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 29


         that password should not be shared over the phone. Even if  background which may even hang the mobile and hamper
         there is an urgency for the same, it should be shared in the  its working.
         form of a code or by splitting it and sending it.
                                                              Internet Security: It is very much necessary to be careful
         Anti-Virus Security: Our Computers/Mobiles are most  regarding internet security. All the applications which are
         vulnerable to threats from virus attacks and being attacked  requiring internet are prone to risk. So, it is essential that
         by malware which can be avoided by taking proper     we have to be very careful while logging into internet sites.
         measures and installing authentic antivirus softwares. Most  Internet security is related not only to internet, but also to
         of the organizations are using one or another antivirus  browser security, network security and the World Wide Web.
         softwares in their systems and mostly all the systems are
         monitored centrally by the particular team taking care of  Whenever we are logging into any internet site for doing
         it. These  softwares are updated regularly and periodically  any transaction, we have to ensure that the network is
         by these teams and such systems which are not taking part  secured with https. HTTPS is an internet communication
         or are switched off at the time of such updation are then  protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of
         kept out of network till being updated so that the threat  data between the user's computer and the site. Users
         and spread of malware/virus can be avoided.          expect a secure and private online experience when using
                                                              such website. HTTPS uses an encryption protocol to encrypt
         Besides the official computers, it is very necessary to use  communications.
         the anti-virus on our laptops, PCs as well as on our mobiles.
         In earlier times, internet banking was mostly done on our  The secure site can also be recognized with a padlock in the
         Laptops or on our PCs. But now- a- days, the maximum  address bar. The "S" in HTTPS stands for "Secure". It's the
         percentage of online transactions whether it is through  secure version of the standard "hypertext transfer protocol".
         internet banking or through any of the various mobile  So, while browsing any site for doing any transaction, it is
         applications/UPI/BHIM etc., is done through our mobiles,  to be ensured that we are using a secure site and not on a
         but still a very less percentage of users are using anti-virus  compromised network that is redirecting to an impostor
         software on their mobiles either due to non-awareness or  website.
         due to ignorance, although these anti-virus softwares are
         not too costly and are also available on e-commerce sites.  Although, now cyber cafe are used very less for doing online
         But it is not advisable to use anti-virus softwares which are  financial transactions, still if a person is going to cyber café
         free of cost as these may be even more dangerous than not  for the same, it is advised to use virtual key board (if
         using any of the paid ones, because these free ones may  available with the application) for using any login details and
         steal the data and they also run many applications in the  password, because key loggers might have been used in the
                                                              keyboards to steal the data you feed through the keyboards
                                                              while the sequence of virtual key boards change every time.
                                                              Besides, at many places such as hotels, railway stations ,
                                                              airport etc., free Wi-Fi is available which is often used by
                                                              the persons using internet in that particular area. But, as
                                                              free Wi-Fi is available to all those having access to it, it is
                                                              also more prone to risk.

                                                              Hence, it is better to avoid using any such Wi-Fi which is
                                                              not secured especially for doing financial transactions. Both
                                                              password-protected and unprotected public Wi-Fi
                                                              connections can be easily monitored by third parties by
                                                              employing very simple measures, for example by imitating
                                                              networks. It is better to use mobile hotspot from our  own

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