Page 34 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 34







         Introduction                                         sets of recordings, or 'blocks', are added to it. Each block
                                                              contains a timestamp and a link to the previous block, so
         The use of data and information becomes increasingly crucial
         for the agriculture sector to improve productivity and  they actually form a chain. The database is not managed
         sustainability. Information and Communication Technology  by any particular body; instead, everyone in the network
         (ICT) substantially increases the effectiveness and efficiency  gets a copy of the whole database.
         of collecting, storing, analyzing and using data in agriculture.
                                                              Old blocks are preserved forever and new blocks are added
         It allows agricultural practitioners and farming communities
                                                              to the ledger irreversibly, making it impossible to manipulate
         to easily obtain up-to-date information and thus make  by faking documents, transactions and other information.
         better decisions in their daily farming.
                                                              All blocks are encrypted in a special way, so everyone can
                                                              have access to all the information but only a user who owns
         Definition                                           a special cryptographic key is able to add a new record to a
         Blockchain is a distributed database existing on multiple  particular chain.
         computers at the same time. It is constantly growing as new
                                                              Blockchain is a digitized, decentralized ledger of all
                                                              transactions. The transactions are replicated across multiple
                               About the author               computers and linked to each other to make any tempering
                                                              with records virtually impossible. This immutable way of
                          Alekh Kumar Sahoo                   managing records eliminate the need for any central entity
                          Chief Manager (Faculty)             managing the transactions. Blockchain should not be
                          MBA (Finance), CAIIB                confused with the bitcoins. Blockchain is the platform while
                          Staff Training Centre               bitcoin is just one of the many applications that uses
                                                              Blockchain platform just the way internet is to email.

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