Page 38 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 38


             whereas collecting data required for making the ledger  sectors including the financial, manufacturing, energy and
             useful, e.g., DNA of livestock animals could be expensive.  government sectors. They are also being used in relation to
             Sampling can reduce the cost, but it requires that the  agriculture supply chains, land registrations and digital IDs.
             population of products for data collection is large. This  The blockchain technology provides transparency among all
             means the average cost of data collection is lower for  involved parties and facilitates the collection of reliable data.
             larger farms than smaller ones, which raises the concern  Blockchain can record every step in a product's value chain,
             of increasing the income discrepancy.            ranging a product's creation to its death.
         Y   In order to be successfully implemented, the technology
             needs to be plugged into an existing database and  The reliable data of the farming process are highly valuable
             legacy systems such as enterprise resource planning,  for developing data-driven facilities and insurance solutions
             warehousing management and manufacturing         for making farming smarter and less vulnerable. The
             execution systems.                               Blockchain technology is still in infancy with a few drawbacks
                                                              such as lack of or poor infrastructure, failures of
         Summary                                              interoperability, limited speed of transactions and other
         The blockchain based transactions are being used in many  technology issues that would take some time to resolve.

               SEBI introduces a code of conduct for fund managers

         Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India  justifications for such decisions and not indulge in any act
         (Sebi) has introduced a code of conduct for fund managers  which results in artificial window dressing of the net asset
         and dealers of AMCs in order to make them more       value (NAV).
                                                              Sebi said dealers will have to ensure that orders are executed
         In addition, asset management companies (AMCs) have  on the best available terms, taking into account the relevant
         been allowed to become self-clearing members to clear and  market at the time for transactions of the kind and size
         settle trades in the debt segment on behalf of its mutual  concerned to achieve the objectives of the scheme and in
         fund schemes.                                        the best interest of all the unit holders.
         The move comes after Sebi board approved a proposal in  Fund managers and dealers will have to ensure that
         this regard in September. In a notification dated October  investments are made in the interest of the unit holders;
         29, Sebi said that chief executive officer (CEO) of the AMC  and will act fairly and deal with market participants in a
         will be responsible to ensure that the code of conduct is  consistent and transparent manner.
         followed by fund managers and dealers.
                                                              Also, they will have to identify existing or potential conflicts
         It, further, said any breach of the code of conduct will be  of interest as per their institutions policies and address the
         brought to the attention of the board of directors of the  same and disclose all interests in securities as required by
         AMC and trustees.                                    statutory requirements.
         Currently, mutual fund norms require AMCs and trustees to  Further, they are not allowed to carry out any transaction
         follow a code of conduct. Also, the CEO is entrusted with  on behalf of a fund with any counter party who is an
         several responsibilities.
                                                              associate of the sponsor/AMC/fund manager/dealer/CEO
         The fund managers and dealers will abide by the code of  "unless such transaction is carried out on arm's length basis
         conduct and submit a quarterly self-certification to the  on terms and at a price consistent with best execution
         trustees that they have complied with the code of conduct  standards and at a commission rate no higher than
         or list exceptions, if any.                          customary institutional rates."
         Fund managers will have an appropriate and adequate basis  They are not supposed to "indulge in any unethical business
         for investment decision and will be responsible for  activities or professional misconduct involving dishonesty,
         investment in the funds managed by them.             fraud or deceit or commit any act that could damage the
         Further, fund managers will record in writing, the decision  reputation of the organisation or the mutual fund industry",
         of buying or selling securities together with the detailed  the regulator added. (Source: Mint)

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