Page 43 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 43


         emphasis on collateral and do not truly paint an effective  MSMEs has to be designed and circulated to All Banks. It
         picture on a borrower's ability to repay a loan. Because  has to be a simplified and easily understandable to the
         many financial institutions do not spend adequate time on  MSME entrepreneurs. It should be made available at all web
         the ground with MSMEs, understanding their business  sites of all stake holders involved in MSME finance and
         models and monitoring their performance, traditional  Development
         lenders are unable to create loan underwriting systems that
         are more relevant to MSMEs. In most cases, institutions rely  Transparency - MSMEs have to be allowed to know at what
         more on evaluation parameters that focus on past     stage their loan application is and what are the factors
         performance of the enterprise rather than future     hampering their rating and worthiness. Disclosure of
         opportunities.                                       appraisal system would be helpful for better financial
                                                              discipline of MSMEs that leads to improved credit access.
         Lack of Product Innovation - Traditional lenders continues
         to lack understanding of the MSME sector, and, therefore,  Special loan products - There are thousands of clusters in
         they have not changed their approach to lending. They still  the country. Almost all the MSMEs in the particular cluster
         rely on loan products that often seem misaligned to the  have business similarities. i.e. supply chain, Markets,
         needs and capabilities of MSMEs. Their loan products  Technological issues, Man power etc. The key constraint to
         require specific types of immovable collateral, and are  these Enterprises is delayed payments from the big Industries
         inflexible in terms of their tenure and payment structure,  and Government Departments. Designing a loan product for
         forcing MSMEs to seek finance through other avenues. A  specific clusters (i.e. Pharma cluster in Hyderabad, Auto
         grassroots approach to developing novel methods to serve  components cluster in Indore, Readymade Garments, and
         MSMEs with debt finance is necessary for banks and other  Bangalore etc.) would address the specific problems of the
         institutions in order to advance the growth of the sector.  local Enterprises. The loan product has to be designed based
                                                              on constrains faced by them taking in to account their
         Suggestions for Improvements                         temporary liquidity crunches, Quality improvement
         Financial literacy - The major constraint of MSMEs is lack  programs, Energy saving and green initiatives.
         of financial knowledge. They do not maintain proper books
         of accounts. MSMEs can't afford to employ accounting  Proper research and development - There should beproper
         experts. They are dependent on outside Financial     research and development in respect of innovative method
         Consultants which is again a heavy cost factor to them. The  of production and service rendering. The innovative products
         Financial statements are prepared to avoid or save taxes.  will provide the cheaper products and the SMEs will be able
         The real and clear picture of performance of MSMEs is not  to cope up with the situation.
         reflected. It is utmost important to make MSMEs financial
         literate in order to have easy credit access from Banks.  Lending skills - Often it has been seen that Bank officers
         Transparency of balance sheet will improve the willingness  have fear psychosis to lend to this sector on account of low
         amongst Bankers to lend to this sector.              compliances and defaults. Commercial Banks need to
                                                              improve the skill of credit officers to assess the MSME
         Training and development, awareness programs - There  proposal. Knowledge and skill will enhance the confidence
         must be conduction of training and development programs
                                                              levels of officers. This will change the attitude of the Bank
         by the MSME ministry. The currently running programs are
                                                              officers. Bank Authorities also have to create conducive
         not so effective and sufficient. One of the important reasons
                                                              environment for MSME lending.
         for slow intake in the utilization of schemes is the lack of
         knowledge about schemes and their likely benefits. The
                                                              Credit Counselling Cells -  Bank should form credit
         current knowledge dissemination system is limited in its
                                                              counselling cells to counsel and advise the MSMEs to be able
         outreach. There is a need to develop a better        to submit Bankable proposals. The practice which is in place
         communication strategy and use of new age media tools.
                                                              now is that MSMEs hire the services of Chartered
         Common application - A common loan application for   Accountants who act as an Intermediary between Bank and

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