Page 47 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 47


         Post the Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS)  making such noting in the financial statements absolves the
         fiasco, the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) has  auditors of any responsibility in future. This aspect needs to
         alleged that the company auditor overlooked window-  be looked into by MCA and appropriate regulatory provisions
         dressing of bad loans being done by IL&FS Financial Services  should be introduced to ensure that an auditor's
         Ltd (IFIN) and never cross-checked the 'end use' certificates  responsibility is not extinguished merely by making such
         used by the company to mislead lending banks. It further  noting.
         alleged that the auditors connived with the company
         officials in falsifying books of accounts. The Ministry of  Such incidents leads one to think as to what can be the
         Corporate Affairs (MCA) has also set into motion the process  reasons for such financial disasters.
         against the auditors and the audit partners under Section
         140(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 that deals with debarring  Companies sometimes inflate earnings to prevent violation
         an audit firm for 5 years.                           of loan agreement covenants to avoid penalty. The auditors
                                                              are thus paid handsome amounts to do window dressing.
         In the case of PMC Bank, it was a whistleblower who blew  There is another motivation for the companies to indulge in
         the lid off the financial crisis brewing inside the Bank. This  misreporting of their financials. Investors invest in companies
         raises a pertinent question as to what the bank's auditors  with the hope of getting handsome returns. In case the
         were doing all these years. The suspended MD of the bank  company shows poor financial performance, it may tempt
         has alleged that the auditors were only 'superficially'  the investors to withdraw their investment.
         checking the bank's books. The Mumbai Police's Economic
         Offences Wing (EOW) even arrested two auditors who had  This motivation to indulge in manipulation of financial
         served as Statutory Auditors during the period of the scam  statements is prevalent to a greater degree in case of listed
         and were suspected of playing a key role in covering up the  companies because the better the financials are, the higher
         irregularities involving top officials of the bank.  is the share price and more are the chances of fresh
                                                              investments in the company. Companies, sometimes, also
         The PMC Bank crisis was sparked by default from Housing  vest call options with their executives as part of their
         Development & Infrastructure Ltd (HDIL) which was lent  compensation plan. Vesting of call options with the company
         about 73 percent of the bank's total assets. The default by  executives also can lead to the risk of executives reporting
         HDIL led to their auditors' role also coming under the  inflated financials to maximize the profit earned on
         scanner. The auditors at HDIL, in their report for FY18,  exercising the option. This moral hazard, however , can be
         stated that one of the units of HDIL, Guruashish Construction  controlled to a large extent by incorporating the 'Claw back'
         Pvt. Ltd, was referred to bankruptcy court by its lenders. In  provision in the compensation plan which enables the
         view of the above, the auditor made the following noting:  company to recover the bonuses paid in case the
                                                              manipulation of financials is detected in future.
         "As a result, the ability of Guruashish Construction Pvt Ltd
         to continue as a going concern is dependent upon its
         performance in terms of the resolution plan to be approved
         by National Company Law Tribunal(NCLT). However, in view
         of the large amount of debt of Housing Development &
         Infrastructure Ltd (HDIL), we are unable to express an
         opinion as to the extent of repayment of the aforesaid debt
         of the company. The consequential effect of the above, on
         the consolidated financial results for the period ended 31
         March 2018 cannot be determined".

         Now, in the wake of the crisis that unfolded at PMC Bank
         and HDIL, a question that arises is as to whether merely

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