Page 52 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 52




         Digital Payment Transactions –                       3. The above measures are expected to reinforce the
                                                                 acceptance infrastructure, provide better user
         Streamlining QR Code infrastructure
                                                                 convenience due to interoperability and enhance
         RBI/2020-21/59                                          system efficiency.
                                            October 22, 2020  4. This directive is issued under Section 10 (2) read with
                                                                 Section 18 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act,
         1. As you are aware, Reserve Bank had constituted a     2007 (Act 51 of 2007).
             Committee (Chairperson : Prof Deepak Phatak) to
             review the current system of Quick Response (QR)  (P. Vasudevan)
             Codes in India and suggest measures for moving   Chief General Manager
             towards interoperable QR Codes. The report of the
             Committee containing various recommendations was
             placed on the Reserve Bank website for public Review of regulatory framework for
             comments and feedback.                           Housing Finance Companies (HFCs)
         2. After examining the recommendations and the
             feedback received, the following has been decided:
                                                                                                 October 22, 2020
             i)  The two interoperable QR codes in existence – UPI
                 QR and Bharat QR – shall continue as at present.
                                                              1. Please refer to the Bank’s Press Release No.2019-20/419
             ii)  Payment System Operators (PSOs) that use
                                                                 dated August 13, 2019 and draft regulatory framework
                 proprietary QR codes shall shift to one or more
                                                                 placed in public domain on June 17, 2020 seeking
                 interoperable QR codes; the process of migration
                                                                 comments from stakeholders. Based on the examination
                 shall be completed by March 31, 2022.
                                                                 of the inputs received, it has been decided to issue the
             iii) No new proprietary QR codes shall henceforth be  revised regulatory framework for HFCs.
                 launched by any PSO for any payment transaction.
                                                              2. In exercise of powers conferred under National Housing
             iv) RBI shall continue a consultative process to    Bank Act, 1987, and Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934,
                 standardise and improve interoperable QR codes,  and in supersession of relevant regulations issued by
                 to enable beneficial features identified by the  National Housing Bank (NHB), the instructions as
                 Phatak Committee.                               enumerated in the Annex will be applicable to all HFCs.
             v)  PSOs may take initiative to increase awareness  HFCs shall continue to comply with all extant instructions
                 about interoperable QR codes.                   issued by NHB, which are not covered in the Annex.

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