Page 28 - Banking Finance November 2020
P. 28


         through more and more use of mobile applications in which
         they are doing transactions with having a link to their
         account details. The customers are giving access to all the
         details even if they are not required for every application.
         Besides, the customers are not using any security measures
         for saving their data.

         Precautions to be taken for Cyber

         We have discussed various types of Cyber Security threats.
         Now it is necessary to discuss about the basic precautions
         that can be taken for preventing such type of threats. Some
         of them are discussed below:
         Desktop Security: It is very much necessary to keep our  available in the system as well as their personal
         desktop secure. It starts from locking the desktop whenever  information/files are available to all. The password for any
         we are leaving our seat. The locking of the screen can be  of the application should not be simple so as to be guessed
         done by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Del and then selecting the option  by anybody and it should not include name, date of birth,
         of locking the computer. But the same can also be done in  anniversary, any other personal information or having 'easy
         fraction of a second by simply using the combination of  to guess' clues. The password used should be long and a
         Windows+L. It prevents the data of our desktop being  strong one which is difficult to guess and should be a
         misused or deleted by any of our colleague/customer having  combination of numbers, upper, lower & special characters.
         any malafide intention and who may use this opportunity of  A zero can be used for substituting the letter O or @ can
         misusing our system if it is found unlocked/open at some  be used for the letter A.
         point of time. Besides, some more precautions are
         necessary to be taken for securing our data in our PC.  The longer and more complex the password is, harder it is
                                                              to crack. It can be a nonsense phrase or grammatically
         It includes keeping our desktop screen clear and minimum  incorrect phrase. But sequentially words/numbers on a
         files should be present on it as desktop is a part of C:\ drive  keyboard such as qwerty9876 should be avoided. If a phrase
         and if due to any reason, the hard disk is formatted, all the  is used as a password, better to capitalize the first letter of
         files present in C:\ drive are difficult to recover. So, it is  each new word, which will be easier to remember. The
         advised to keep our important files in any drive other than  password should be changed often and especially if we have
         C:\ . We may have some files which may be of daily use. In  a doubt that somebody has come to know about our
         such case, we can create a shortcut of the same on the  password. Although, it is very difficult  to keep different
         desktop and use it. Also, sharing of folders should be avoided  passwords for various applications, but still it is advisable to
         because when we share a folder, all the contents available  do the same.
         in the folder become available to all the network users and
         are prone to risk. So, if it  is very necessary to share some  Also, reuse of passwords should be avoided. It is also very
         content or file on the network , share that particular file  important to keep our passwords safe and secure and at a
         instead of full folder.                              place in our mobile/computer which is not within plain sight
                                                              of other people (never on sticky notes on our work
         Password Security:Password security is very much important  computer). Even if we are storing a list of passwords or
         for every application, whether it is desktop or any mobile  password hint sheet in a document file in computer/mobile,
         application. Often, it is seen that in offices, either the  name it randomly so that it is not easy to guess by snoopers
         passwords kept by the users for their systems are same or  and better to have a master password for that file (which
         known to their colleagues. It is very risky, as the data  at least should not be forgotten.). Besides, it is also to ensure

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