Page 31 - The Insurance Times February 2025
P. 31

Health Insurance

          Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)
          Interpretation for

          Medical Auditors &

          Health Insurance

                                                           Vinay Verma                     Dr Vaishali Pradhan
          Claim Processors                       , F.I.I.I, ACS,       Team Leader of Desk Medical

                                                           PGDMM,PGDIM: Former Dy
                                                                                              Jaipur Project Office
                                                           General Manager in Oriental  Audit in GHPL TPA Limited in
                                                           Insurance Company Limited.

           A blood gas analysis may be performed on blood obtained from anywhere in the circulatory system
           say artery, vein or capillary. A medical auditor and claim processor should know that differences
           in measured blood gas values between arterial and venous blood are most pronounced for PO2
           as PO2 is the only clinical reason for obtaining arterial collections.


           Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) is commonly used diagnostic tool to evaluate the partial pressures of gas in blood
           and acid base content. It is integral to assessing emergency department patients with acute respiratory or metabolic
           disease. This medical test is done to measure the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood of patient. It equally
           checks the balance of acids and bases known as the pH balance, in the blood. Understanding and using ABG analysis
           guides medical professionals to interpret respiratory, circulatory and metabolic disorders in any patient. It helps in
           interpreting conditions that affect respiratory system, circulatory system and metabolic processes (how body trans-
           forms the food one eats into energy), especially in emergency situations.

          Understanding ABG reports help medical auditors and health  When blood is taken from an artery the report is known as
          claim processors to determine the medical necessity of the  ABG. Peripheral Venus blood gas (VBG) is a valuable alter-
          treatment. This report is important clinical tool as well as it  nate as it is less painful and easy to collect.
          is very important document for health insurance profession-
          als who process claims or medical auditors who investigate  Interpreting an arterial blood gas (ABG) is a crucial skill for
          a case to determine its medical necessity.          physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and other health
                                                              care personnel. ABG interpretation is especially important
          A blood gas analysis may be performed on blood obtained  in critically ill patients. ABG analysis assesses the patient's
          from anywhere in the circulatory system say artery, vein or  partial pressures of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide
          capillary. A medical auditor and claim processor should know  (PaCO2) PaCO2 provides information on the oxygenation
          that differences in measured blood gas values between ar-  status & PaCO2 provides information on ventilation status
          terial and venous blood are most pronounced for PO2 as PO2  i.e. chronic or acute respiratory failure. Though oxygenation
          is the only clinical reason for obtaining arterial collections.  and ventilation can be assessed non-invasively via pulse oxim-

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