Page 44 - The Insurance Times February 2025
P. 44

Critical Analysis

             Critical Analysis of the Business Performance of

                              Life Insurers in India (2023-24)

          Overview                                                   derwriting 69.89% of new policies, though it expe-
                                                                     rienced a marginal decline of 0.18%.
          The Indian life insurance industry demonstrated steady
          growth in premium income, reflecting resilience and adapt-  Private insurers showed a 9.23% growth in policy
          ability amidst evolving market conditions. Total premium   issuance, indicating effective strategies in attract-
          income for the sector reached ?8.30 lakh crore, growing by  ing new customers.
          6.06% compared to the previous fiscal year. Private sector
          insurers outperformed the public sector with a premium  3. International Business
          growth of 15.05%, while the public sector recorded a neg-  LIC remains the sole Indian life insurer operating
          ligible increase of 0.23%.                                 internationally, with a modest premium income of
                                                                     Rs. 476.25 crore, marking an increase from the pre-
          Key Highlights                                             vious year.

          1. Premium Growth and Contributions                 4. Claims and Benefits Paid
                 Renewal Premium vs. New Business Premium:           Death claims grew marginally by 1.99%, while ma-
                 o   Renewal premiums contributed 54.41% of the      turity and surrender claims witnessed significant in-
                     total premiums, showing a robust growth of      creases, indicating higher payouts to policyholders.
                                                                     Total benefits paid rose by 16.14% to ?5.77 lakh
                 o   New business premiums grew by 1.93%, high-      crore, with notable growth in maturity benefits
                     lighting challenges in acquiring new custom-    (13.96%)  and  surrender/withdrawal  claims
                     ers.                                            (15.25%).
                 Segment-wise Contribution:
                 o   Non-linked products dominated with 85.36%  Critical Analysis
                     of total premiums, while linked products con- Strengths
                     tributed 14.64%.                                Consistent Growth: The 6.06% growth in total
                 o   Linked products grew by 15.73%, significantly   premiums underlines the life insurance sector's re-
                     outpacing  non-linked  product  growth  at      silience. Private insurers continue to gain market
                     4.56%.                                          share, reflecting their adaptability and innovative
                 Single Premium Products:
                 o   The public sector heavily relied on single pre-  Renewal Premiums: A 9.79% growth in renewal
                     mium products, contributing 38.6% to their      premiums suggests high customer retention and
                     total premium, compared to 22.38% in the        trust in existing policies.
                     private sector.                                 Segment Diversification: The rise in linked prod-
                                                                     uct premiums by 15.73% reflects growing con-
          2. Market Share and Policy Issuance                        sumer interest in market-linked policies, aligning
                 LIC retained its dominance in policy issuance, un-  with investment trends.

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