Page 14 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 14


         GST collections in Feb             It will improve equitable access to qual-  the members of the Employees' Provi-
                                            ity healthcare by encouraging use of  dent Fund Organisation (EPFO). Thus,
         stand at Rs. 1.3 lakh crore,       technologies such as telemedicine and  it is under active consideration to bring
         a slight dip from Jan              enabling national portability of health  out a new pension product or scheme
         Goods and services tax collections  services. Digital health solutions across  for those whose monthly basic wages
         dipped marginally to Rs 1.3 lakh crore  healthcare ecosystem have proven to  are more than Rs. 15,000," a source
         during February, compared to Rs 1.4  be of immense benefit over the years,  privy to the development said.
         lakh crore in the previous month, indi-  with CoWIN, Arogya Setu and  As per the source, the proposal on this
                                            eSanjeevani further demonstrating the
         cating that the Omicroninduced                                        new pension product could come up for
         lockdowns had a marginal impact on  role technology can play in enabling  discussion in the meeting of EPFO's
         economic activity.                 access to healthcare.              apex decision making body Central
         The latest data released by the finance  However, there is a need to integrate  Board of Trustees (CBT) on March 11
         ministry showed that the mop up was  such solutions for continuum of care,  and 12 at Guwahati.
         18% higher than a year ago. Revenue  and effective utilisation of resources,
         from domestic sources, which makes  the statement said. Based on the foun- Freight costs jump as ship-
         up for a bulk of the kitty, rose 12%,  dations laid down in the form of Jan  ping rates, insurance pre-
         against the 38% jump witnessed in case  Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile (JAM) trin-
         of imports, which were largely due to  ity and other digital initiatives of the mium soar
         higher oil and gold prices.        government, Ayushman Bharat Digital  The sudden surge in container rates
                                            Mission (ABDM) is creating a seamless  and insurance costs following the Rus-
         "February, being a 28-day month, nor-
         mally witnesses revenues lower than  online platform through the provision of  sian invasion of Ukraine is expected to
         that in January. This high growth dur-  a wide-range of data, information and  drive up freight costs across the world,
                                            infrastructure services, duly leveraging  industry executives and trade associa-
         ing February 2022 should also be seen
         in the context of partial lockdowns,  open, interoperable, standards-based  tions said. Container rates are up ten-
                                            digital systems while ensuring the secu-  fold in less than a fortnight, while war
         weekend and night curfews and vari-
         ous restrictions that were put in place  rity, confidentiality and privacy of  insurance premiums have risen 5%.
         by various states due to the omicron  health-related personal information.  The shipping industry, which plays a
         wave, which peaked around 20th Janu-                                  major role in global trade, was already
         ary," an official statement said.  EPFO mulls new pension             fighting a shortage of vessels and con-
                                            scheme                             tainers when American and European
         5 year Digital Ayushman            Retirement fund body EPFO is mulling  sanctions on Russia and its businesses
                                                                               drove up crude prices, increasing ship-
         Plan                               a new pension product for organised  ping costs. Brent crude oil approached
                                            sector workers who are getting basic
         The Union Cabinet approved the na-                                    a multi-year high of $120 per barrel
         tional roll-out of Ayushman Bharat  wages of more than Rs. 15,000 per  and was slightly lower at $113. On 3
         Digital Mission (ABDM) with a budget  month and are not mandatorily cov-  March, the Drewry's composite world
         of Rs 1,600 crore for five years, the  ered under its Employees' Pension  container index was up 2.1% from last
         government said in a statement.    Scheme 1995 (EPS-95).              week to $9,279.46 per 40ft container.
                                            Retirement fund body EPFO is mulling
         Under the ABDM, citizens will be able                                 Anil Devli, CEO of the Indian National
                                            a new pension product for organised
         to create their Ayushman Bharat                                       Shipowners' Association (INSA), said
         Health Account numbers, to which   sector workers who are getting basic  daily rates of tankers and vessels have
         their digital health records can be  wages of more than Rs. 15,000 per  zoomed from $3,000 per day around
         linked, the statement said. This will  month and are not mandatorily cov-  10 days ago to $30,000-40,000 now,
         enable creation of longitudinal health  ered under its Employees' Pension  primarily because there are fewer
         records for individuals and improve  Scheme 1995 (EPS-95).            ships from Russia and Ukraine. He
         clinical decision making by healthcare  "There has been demand for higher  added that war risk premiums for ships
         providers, it stated.              pension on higher contributions among  have also increased by 3-5%. T

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