Page 10 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 10


         dential Norms on Income Recognition,  Notably, the consumer price index (CPI)  crisis-era measures are coming to an
         Asset Classification and Provisioning'.  inflation print has remained at el-  end, Governor Shaktikanta Das said.
         What this means is that if a borrower  evated level due to higher-than-ex-  While the Ukraine war has created
         has two credit facilities, with one of  pected vegetable prices in February.  new challenges, the central bank will
         them (say, a housing loan) being stan-  Moreover, inflation is expected to re-  seek to cushion its economic fallout by
         dard and the other (say, business loan)  main at elevated levels due to higher  going even beyond the playbook,
         non-performing, the lender's entire  crude oil price in subsequent months  where steps often accompany sunset
         exposure to this borrower will be  owing to the Russia-Ukraine crisis.  clauses after bitter lessons from the
         treated as non-performing. This expo-  "Nevertheless, we still expect the RBI  past.
         sure can be upgraded only if the non-  to prioritise growth in its April 2022  "Going forward, we will ensure that
         performing account is regularised.                                    there is abundant liquidity in the mar-
                                            monetary policy meet as we believe
         Banks wanted the RBI to allow them  growth is still a bigger concern cur-  ket for the credit system to be active,
         to treat the two exposures separately  rently rather than inflation," said  for the credit system to function nor-
         due to provisioning implications.  Motilal Oswal Financial Services.  mally," Das said in his address to the
                                                                               CII National Council in Mumbai.
         In its November 2021 circular, the RBI  "We expect inflation in the range of
         observed that some lending institu-  5.2-5.4 % YoY in FY22."          This was his first in-person interaction
         tions upgrade accounts classified as                                  with the industry since the start of the
         NPAs to 'standard' asset category upon  Earlier this month, CPI inflation came  Covid-19 pandemic.
         payment of only interest overdues and  in at an eight-month high of 6.1 % YoY  Das was answering questions from in-
         partial overdues.                  in February 2022.                  dustry captains such as Uday Kotak,
                                            Besides, food inflation came in at a 15-  Keki Mistry and Rishad Premji, who
         In order to avoid any ambiguity in this
         regard, the central bank had clarified  month high of 5.8 % YoY in February  attended the meeting as members of
         that loan accounts classified as NPAs  2022 versus 5.4 % YoY a month ago.  the CII council. "There will be abun-
         may be upgraded as 'standard' assets  "Within food, vegetables primarily  dant liquidity to meet the productive
         only if entire arrears of interest and  caused the spike in inflation as exclud-  needs of the economy. All our schemes
         principal are paid by the borrower.  ing vegetables, CPI came in at 6.1 %  have a sunset clause," Das said. "We
         With regard to upgradation of ac-  YoY similar to the level seen in January  will ensure the whole process, the in-
                                                                               jection of liquidity as well as the with-
         counts classified as NPA due to restruc-  2022."
                                                                               drawal, is very non-disruptive."
         turing, non-achievement of date of  "Other items such as cereals and prod-
         commencement of commercial opera-  ucts, meat and fish, spices, and sugar
         tions (DCCO), the instructions as speci-  and confectionary that constitute 17 % RBI seen holding rates
         fied for such cases shall continue to be  weight in CPI index also contributed to  even as retail prices top
         applicable.                        higher inflation."
                                                                               inflation target
         In its clarification, the RBI said the 'pre-  On the contrary, fuel and power infla-
         vious 90 days period' for determination  tion came in at a 10-month low of 8.7  Consumer prices rising above the Re-
         of 'out of order' status of a Cash Credit  % YoY in February 2022.    serve Bank of India's inflation target for
         /Overdraft account shall be inclusive of  Furthermore, core inflation stood at  the second straight month may have
         the day for which the day-end process                                 raised fears of a policy rate increase, but
         is being run.                      6.2% YoY for the fifth consecutive  many economists expect the central
                                            month in February 2022.            bank to maintain its accommodative
                                                                               stance to support economic recovery.
         RBI expected to prioritise
                                            RBI will ensure enough li-         They cited the easing of commodity
                                            quidity to support busi-           prices from their peaks and the
         The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is ex-                                RBI's high inflation projections for the
         pected to prioritise growth over infla- ness                          current quarter to insist that a policy
         tionary fears in its April, 2022 policy  RBI will ensure abundant liquidity to  rate hike at this juncture appears re-
         meet.                              support business even as Mint Road's  mote. T

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