Page 7 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 7


         career with SBI in 1985 as a probation-  The customer experience has to be  at 6.1 % and 7.6 %, respectively, for
         ary officer, will retire on May 31,2022.  taken up on priority to present Only  FY23. It expects provisioning cost for
         The positions of two whole-time mem-  YONO as a competitive product/plat-  FY22 at about 1.5 % and 1 % in FY23.
         bers at Sebi were vacant at Sebi, after  form in the market. It will improve the
         the tenures of G Mahalingam and    cost-to-income ratio of the bank, said  78% bankers see frauds
         Madhabi Puri Buch ended last year.  the executive, but did not provide a  rising in 2 years: Survey
         Buch was appointed as the Sebi chair-  timeline for making the app a com-
         person last month. The other two   plete DB.                          Around 78% of bankers expect fraud to
         whole-time members on the board of                                    increase over the next two years be-
         Sebi are SK Mohanty and Ananta Banking sector health at               cause of the current business disrup-
                                                                               tion due to the pandemic. The fear of
                                            its best in decades                fraud is triggered by the reduction in
         The government has also nominated  India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra)  human contact due to large-scale re-
         two officials to the regulator's board.  has revised the outlook on the overall  mote working and an increase in cus-
         Ajay Seth, secretary, Department of
                                            banking sector to improving for FY23  tomers using non-banking channels for
         Economic Affairs (DEA) has been ap-
                                            from stable, as the banking system's  transactions.
         pointed in place of Anand Mohan Bajaj,  health is at its best in decades. The
         additional secretary, DEA. The govern-  improving health trend that began in  According to the Indian Banking Fraud
         ment has nominated Rajesh Verma,   FY20 is likely to continue into FY23,  Survey released by Deloitte, the most
         secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs                              common concern for bankers is loan
                                            Karan Gupta, Director, Ind-Ra, said in
         (MCA) in place of KVR Murthy, joint  a report.                        fraud (24%) followed by fraud in
         secretary, MCA.                                                       internet & mobile banking (14%). Re-
                                            Furthermore, key financial metrics are  spondents cited limited monitoring of
                                            likely to continue to show improve-  assets after disbursement (38%), the
         SBI to revamp banking
                                            ment in FY23, backed by strengthened  economic slowdown (24%) and insuffi-
         app YONO, position it as           balance sheets and an improving credit  cient due diligence prior to disburse-
         complete digital bank              demand outlook with an expected    ment (21%) as the top three factors
                                            commencement of corporate capex    leading to higher problem loans. These
         State Bank of India will revamp its bank-  cycle.
         ing application (app) YONO and posi-                                  suggest that banks may need to over-
         tion it as a complete digital bank (DB)  While the tightening liquidity would  haul their due diligence and monitor-
         under a new rubric 'Only YONO' for  push up interest rates, impacting trea-  ing frameworks.
         enhancing customer experience and  sury gains, it would at least partially  "The number of fraud incidents encoun-
         ease of use.                       offset in the short term as loans get  tered by banks over the last two years
                                            repriced faster than deposits, as per  appears to have increased, compared
         The bank plans to bring in a consultant
         to help draw up the project plan, keep-  Ind-Ra's assessment. Almost one-third  with the findings of our previous sur-
                                            of the system's loans are linked to ex-  vey. Around 53% of respondents indi-
         ing in mind business goals for the next
                                            ternal benchmark rates.            cated that they have faced more than
         five years. With 54 million monthly
         active users (MAUs), SBI YONO has  Ind-Ra has marginally revised its credit  100 fraud incidents in retail banking
         seen growth of over 35 % in MAUs in  growth estimates to 8.4 % from 8.9 %  (over the last two years) - a 29% in-
         2021.                              for FY22 and 10 % for FY23. The    crease since the previous edition," the
                                            growth will be supported by a pick-up  report said.
         The gamut of the advisor's work will
         cover the launch, with focus on con-  in economic activity post Q1 FY22,  According to the report, bankers said
         tinuous innovation, adoption strategy,  higher government spending on infra-  they have managed to detect fraud
                                            structure and a revival in retail de-
         speed of delivery of new journeys, and                                largely during routine audit and recon-
         positioning it as a DB, said senior SBI  mand.                        ciliation followed by proactive mea-
         executive. The bank has issued an ex-  The credit agency estimates gross non-  sures through internal automated data
         pression of interest to appoint an ad-  performing assets (GNPAs) at 6.3 % and  analysis or transaction monitoring soft-
         visor.                             stressed assets at 8.7 % for FY22 and  ware. T

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