Page 8 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 8


         Reserve Bank


         RBI cautions public against        selves that the application used or the  new bad loan norms for non-banking
                                            entity they are dealing with is    finance companies (NBFCs) by six
         prepaid payment instru-            authorised to carry out the activity it  months.

         ments issued by unautho-           performs or assures to perform," it  The norms pertain to upgrading NPAs
         rised entities                                                        (non-performing assets) to standard by
                                                                               NBFCs. In November, the RBI had said
         The RBI said Gurugram-registered   RBI amends payments sys-           the new norms will be effective March
         'sRide Tech Private Limited' is operat-                               31, 2022, which has now been post-
         ing a pre-paid instrument (wallet)  tems rules                        poned to September.
         through its car-pooling app 'sRide'  The Reserve Bank of India issued
         without obtaining the required permis-  amended Payments and Settlement  According to an India Ratings report,
         sions, as it cautioned the public against  Systems Regulations that allows com-  bad loans for NBFCs are likely to in-
         using applications issued by       panies wanting to run payment busi-  crease by one-third due to the new
         unauthorised entities. As such, any  nesses to seek licenses from the regu-  norms. Earlier, lenders would upgrade
                                            lator.                             accounts when the borrowers get back
         person dealing with sRide Tech Private
         Limited, will be doing so at their own  The licensing application should include  on track with their instalments. The
         risk, the central bank said in a state-  process flow of the operator, technol-  new rules said that the loan could not
         ment.                              ogy platform to be used, security fea-  be upgraded until all the money due
                                            tures and inter-operability with other  was recovered.
         RBI said sRide Tech Private Limited is
         operating a semi-closed (non-closed)  payment system operators.       RBI's regulatory body
         pre-paid instrument (wallet) through  As per the rules payment system, op-
         its car-pooling app 'sRide' without ob-  erators will be required to furnish all seeks withdrawal of 100
         taining the required authorisation from  information and documents desired  circulars
         RBI under the provisions of the Pay-  from the RBI from time to time.  The Reserve Bank of India's Regula-
         ment and Settlement Systems Act,   The system provider also has to submit  tions Review Authority (RRA) has ad-
         2007.                              its annual accounts to the regulator  vised to withdraw additional 100
         The RBI urged people to exercise ut-  three months after account closing  circulars to ease the compliance bur-
         most caution while using such applica-  along with a copy of its audited balance  den on entities under RBI regulatory
         tion/s, dealing with and before parting  sheet.                       ambit.
         with their money to any such                                          It had recommended the withdrawal
         unauthorised entity.               RBI delays new bad loan            of 150 circulars in the first tranche in
         "In their own interest, members of rules for non-banks                November 2021.

         public should verify and satisfy them-  The RBI has extended the roll-out of  The RRA has also recommended the

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