Page 12 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 12


         Moody's raises growth              person instruction across various  Services exports may reach
                                            states, the country is on its way to
         forecast to 8.4%                   normalcy," it added.               $325 billion in FY23, says
         Moody's Investors Service upgraded its                                SEPC
         financial year 2022-2023 (FY23) growth  45 mn IT returns pro-         The country's services export is ex-
         forecast for the Indian economy to 8.4
         % from the earlier estimated 7.9 % as cessed                          pected to reach $325 billion in 2022-
         the country moves to normalcy, post  The income tax department said more  23 on account of increasing demand
         the removal Covid-19 restrictions.  than 4.50 crore tax returns have been  for all kinds of services and gradual
         However, it cautioned that high oil  processed so far, of the total 6.26 crore  resumption of regular international
         prices and supply distortions could drag  ITR filed for the financial year 2020-21.  travels, according to the Service Export
         the growth down.                                                      Promotion Council (SEPC) Chairman
                                            Further, more than 5.41 crore income  Sunil H Talati.
         Fitch Ratings, on the other hand, main-  tax returns (ITRs) filed have been veri-
         tained its earlier projection of 10.3 %  fied and 1.58 crore refunds amounting  He said by the end of the ongoing fis-
         growth in FY23 compared to 8.4 %   to Rs 31,857 crore for AY 2021-22  cal year, services exports would reach
         estimated for FY22. Moody's has esti-  (2020-21 fiscal) have been issued.  about $250 billion.
         mated the Indian economy to grow at                                   The estimated value of services export
         9.3 % in FY22, official data for which  In a tweet, the income tax department  for April-January 2021-22 is $209.83
         will be released. "Fiscal push for infra-  also said refunds of over Rs 1.71 lakh  billion, exhibiting a growth of 25.31 %
         structure spending could help consoli-  crore have been issued to over 1.97  as compared to the year-ago period's
         date India's economic recovery. We  crore taxpayers so far this fiscal.  $167.45 billion.
         have raised our 2022 calendar year  This includes personal income tax re-  "With the hope of COVID-19 waning
         (CY22) growth forecasts for India to  funds of Rs 63,234 crore and corporate  away soon, demand for all kinds of ser-
         9.5% from 7%, and maintained our   tax refunds of Rs 1.08 lakh crore.  vices is increasing in the global mar-
         forecast for 5.5% growth in 2023   In a statement, the Central Board of  kets, so we are setting an ambitious
         (CY23). This translates into 8.4% and  Direct Taxes (CBDT) said over 29.8 lakh  target of USD 325 billion in 2022-23,"
         6.5% in fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-  major tax audit reports (TARs) have  Talati, Chairman of Services Export
         24, respectively," Moody's said in its  been filed on the e-filing portal of the  Promotion Council (SEPC) said.
         latest Global Macro Outlook.       income tax department as on February  He said support measures for the sec-
         Moody's said the speed of the recov-  15, 2022. Over 4.14 lakh major TARs/
                                                                               tor in the new foreign trade policy
         ery from the first lockdown-led con-  forms have been filed itself.   would help further boost the outbound
         traction in Q2 2020, and subsequently
                                            On the last date i.e. the extended due  shipments. It had earlier proposed an
         in Q2 2021 during the Delta wave, was  date of February 15, 2022, 14 % of  alternative scheme to SEIS (Services
         stronger than expected, and the    these statutory forms and in the last  Export from India Scheme) - DRESS
         economy is estimated to have sur-  five days from February 11 to 15, 30 %  (Duty Remission on Export of Services
         passed the pre-Covid-19 level of gross  of these statutory forms were filed.  Scheme) to boost exports.
         domestic product (GDP) by more than
         5 % in the last quarter of 2021.   The I-T department also asked taxpay-  "Despite the pandemic, the services
                                            ers who are yet to accept the tax au-  sector has managed to retain 90-91 %
         "Sales tax collection, retail activity and  dit report submitted by their CA to  of its last year's performance in terms
         PMIs suggest solid momentum. As is  complete the process of submission.  of overall exports," he said adding ser-
         the case in many other countries, the                                 vices exports have been growing at a
         recovery is lagging in contact-intensive  "More than 5.41 crore income tax re-  compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
         services sectors, but it should pick up  turns (ITRs) filed have been verified out
         as the Omicron wave subsides. With  of 6.26 crore ITRs filed for AY 2021-22.  of 8-9 % for the last 20 years and the
         most remaining restrictions now being  Of the verified ITRs, more than 4.50  sector is eighth largest in the world
         lifted with the improvement in the  crore ITRs have been processed and  and second in Asia Pacific region.
         Covid-19 situation, including the re-  1.58 crore refunds for AY 2021-22 have  "We need to have a system of incen-
         opening of schools and colleges for in-  been issued," the statement added.  tive for services exports," Talati said.

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