Page 32 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 32


         The first driver is a defensive agenda which is about stopping  due to inaction but due to an inability to take appropriate
         bad things from happening as opposed to a progressive  action. The best is example of Kodak, which went bankrupt
         agenda which is about making things happen. (taken up on  in 2012 in spite of being the innovator of digital camera,
         Y axis) In terms of approach some organizations drive for  and market leader.
         resilience by driving for consistency opposed to having a
         flexible agenda, which is having people that have variety of  To avoid these traps of "Hubris- Inertia" an organization
         different ideas, beliefs, outlooks, and practices which  needs to develop an adaptive culture. An adaptive culture
         enables them to be much more agile. (taken up on X axis)  is made of a set of attitude and behaviors like learning from
                                                              past, being resourceful, adhering to best practices,
         Now this creates four core quadrants, in the bottom left we  integration within the organization, robustness, and
         have preventive control which is about defensive agenda by  rehearsing resilience. Rehearsing resilience is an everlasting
         being very consistent, this is about putting defenses in depth  process.  It is more than recovery after the crisis it is
         and stopping bad things from happening opposed to the  persistence in the face of threat, changing before it became
         bottom right quadrant that is mindful action , this is about  a necessity.
         having people who notice the problem, raise those concerns.
         Those concerns are listened to and they are further powered Financial sector:
         to act from further escalading.                      Like any other industry the financial sector has its highs and
                                                              lows. Incidents like the Barings Bank, Lehman brothers (also
         In the progressive agenda which is mostly about making  known as financial crisis) not only impacted the organization
         things happen the top left bracket is about performance  but had a contagion impact. The financial crisis of 2008 led
         optimization; this is about the organization doing what it  to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
         does now but doing it better to drive competitive advantage.  introducing Basel reforms.
         Michael Porter gave following three types strategies to gain
         competitive advantage: Cost leadership, Differentiation and  The root causes of the crisis were excess liquidity, insufficient
         Market segmentation. PepsiCo worked on cutting down its  good quality capital, increased leverage, and lack of
         operating costs to offer its products at a price lower as  transparency. The financial institutions had to turn to their
         compared to its competitors thus using the Cost leadership  central banks for liquidity support and some to their
         strategy to gain competitive advantage. Opposed to the  government for capital injection.
         performance optimization quadrant is the top right box
         which is about being the disruption in the marketplace by  BIS paper of June 2011 was published with a  heading " Basel
         being innovative and adapting to the situation. The fintechs  III: A global framework for more resilient banks and banking
         disruption has led to a shift from traditional banking  systems" The reforms focused on improving quality of
         methods of cash and credit cards to contactless transactions.  regulatory capital , increasing the level of capital , specifying
         Another classic example of disruptive innovation is Netflix  minimum leverage ratio and introducing the concept of
         which disrupted the existing market of the entertainment  liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and Net stable funding ratio (
         industry.                                            NSFR). The focus here was on building financial resilience.

         Adaptation is a situation where you rise to the occasion even  The supervisory role was also broadened with the
         when your strategy may have failed. It is not easy to adapt,  introduction of Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process
         as it has its own traps, one of them being the success trap,  (SREP). In the changed scenario non-financial risk also
         where the organization sees the signals but ignores the  became important as the supervisors and regulators focused
         warnings. It is also termed as "Hubris", where organizations  on assessing the risk culture, governance, and compliances.
         tend to move into a comfort zone after attaining a particular  The supervisory stance is stricter globally and financial
         level. The other trap is the failure trap where there is a fear  institutions have been fined for noncompliance, Not having
         of failure because of incompetency in skill and tools. Due to  a good risk management systems and Governance  . The
         these reasons the organization may fail or withdraw at a  latest being the case of Citigroup being fined in October
         premature stage. It is also known as "active inertia". Many  2020 for deficiencies in Risk Management and internal
         thriving businesses tend to fail in the face of changes not  controls.

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