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             21.04.141/2021-22 dated August 25, 2021 –        2. In this connection, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)
             ‘Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment  has informed about UNSC press release (SC/14822
             Portfolio of Commercial Banks (Directions), 2021’   dated 07 March 2022) regarding addition of 1 entry
             (hereinafter referred as ‘Master Direction’).       (entity) [QDe.168 Name: KHATIBA AL-TAWHID WAL-
                                                                 JIHAD (KTJ) A.k.a.: a) JANNAT OSHIKLARI b) Jama`at al-
         2. The Master Direction outlines the prudential treatment
                                                                 Tawhid wal-Jihad F.k.a.: JANNAT OSHIKLARI] to UNSC’s
             for investment in Venture Capital Funds (VCFs). We have
             received queries from banks regarding the applicability  1267/1989 ISIL (Da’esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List by the
             of these instructions for investment in Alternative  UNSC Committee established pursuant to Resolutions
             Investment Funds (AIFs).                            1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning
                                                                 ISIL (Da’esh), Al-Qaida, and associated individuals,
         3. Accordingly, on a review, it has been decided that the  groups, undertakings and entities regarding changes in
             investment in Category I and Category II AlFs, which  the List of individuals and entities subject to the assets
             includes VCFs, shall receive the same prudential    freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in
             treatment as applicable for investment in VCFs.     paragraph 1 of UNSC resolution 2368 (2017), and
         4. In addition, based on feedback from banks, clarifications  adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
             / updates have been provided regarding section      Nations
             4(a)(vii), 10(c)(ix), 12(ii)(b), 12(ii)(d)(ix), 13(iv)(b), 16(i),  The UNSC press release concerning amendments to the
             16(ii), 18(ii)(e)(ii) and Annex II of the Master Direction.  list is available at URL:

         5. The relevant sections of the Master Direction have   securitycouncil/sanctions/1267/press-releases
             been amended to reflect the aforementioned changes.  3. Updated lists of individuals and entities linked to ISIL
         Applicability                                           (Da'esh), Al-Qaida and Taliban are available at:
         6. This circular is applicable to all Commercial Banks
             (excluding Regional Rural Banks).                   aq_sanctions_list
         7. These instructions shall come into force with immediate
             effect.                                             materials
                                                              4. The details of the sanction measures and exemptions
         (Usha Janakiraman)                                      are available at the following URL: https://
         Chief General Manager                                   w w / securitycounci l/sanctions/
         Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA,
                                                              5. As per the instructions from the Ministry of Home
         1967: Updates to UNSC’s 1267/ 1989 ISIL                 Affairs (MHA), any request for delisting received by any
         (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List:                     Regulated Entity (RE) is to be forwarded electronically
                                                                 to Joint Secretary (CTCR), MHA for consideration.
         Addition of 1 entry (entity)
                                                                 Individuals, groups, undertakings or entities seeking to
         RBI/2021-2022/183                                       be removed from the Security Council’s ISIL (Da'esh)
                                                                 and Al-Qaida Sanctions List can submit their request for
                                              March 10, 2022
                                                                 delisting to an independent and impartial
         1. Please refer to Section 51 of our Master Direction on  Ombudsperson who has been appointed by the United
                                                                 Nations Secretary-General. More details are available
             Know Your Customer dated February 25, 2016 as
             amended on May 10, 2021, in terms of which          at the following URL:
             “Regulated Entities (REs) shall ensure that in terms of  securitycouncil/ombudsperson/application
             Section 51A of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention)  6. In view of the above, REs are advised to take note of
             (UAPA) Act, 1967, they do not have any account in the  the aforementioned UNSC communication and ensure
             name of individuals/entities appearing in the lists of  meticulous compliance
             individuals and entities, suspected of having terrorist
             links, which are approved by and periodically circulated  (Sidharth Prakash)
             by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).”  Deputy General Manager

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