Page 18 - Banking Finance May 2022
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         proach to regulation and enables enti-  an insurance cover of up to Rs 5 lakh  As per the corporation, the amount of
         ties to have a more focused approach.  on bank deposits.              assessable deposits stood at Rs
         The report called for the need for align-  Depositors of the two banks, submit-  1,49,67,770 crore at end-March 2022.
         ment of business and investment rules  ting valid documents, as mentioned  The Deposit Insurance and Credit
         of RRBs set two and a half decade back  above, will be paid by credit to the al-  Guarantee Corporation (Amendment)
         with best practices and in sync with  ternate bank account specified by de-  Act, passed by Parliament in 2021,
         Cooperative Banks and even PSBs.   positors, or on their consent, to their  made significant changes in the land-
         The RRBs also need to partner effec-  Aadhaar linked bank accounts, said a  scape of deposit insurance in India.
         tively with state governments to strive  DICGC notice.                Under the Act, the Corporation is liable
         for the continued improvement in   In the fiscal ended March 2022, the  to pay the insured deposit amount to
         credit culture and thereby need to  corporation had settled main claims of  depositors of an insured bank. Such li-
         adapt to the fast-changing economic  eight cooperative banks, including  ability may arise when an insured bank
         landscape and reorient their business  nearly Rs 136 crores of 32,221 deposi-  undergoes liquidation, reconstruction
         model accordingly.                 tors of Goa-based The Madgaum Ur-  or any other arrangement under a
         RRBs agriculture outstanding is Rs 2.3  ban Co-op Bank, Rs 374 crores of  scheme, and merger or acquisition by
         lakh crore as of Mar'21, of which 99.3%  38,325 depositors of Maharashtra-  another bank.
         of lending went to farm credit only. "  based Karnala Nagri Sahakari Bank,
         This indicates RRBs have been reluc-  and Rs 330 crore of 39,032 deposits of  Unity Small Finance Bank
         tant to lend beyond the farm credit.  Maharashtra-based Karad Janata  pays Rs 3,800 crore to 8.5
                                            Sahakari Bank.
         The share of agriculture infrastructure
         lending is only 0.3% of total agriculture  Initially, under the provisions of Section  lakh PMC Bank depositors
         lending. RRBs should thus focus more  16(1) of the DICGC Act, the insurance  Unity Small Finance Bank paid around
         on allied activities in order to diversify  cover was limited to Rs 1,500 only per  Rs 3,800 crore to depositors of the
         their lending portfolio. RRBs should  depositor. It was gradually increased to  scam-hit Punjab and Maharashtra Co-
         explore tie-up with the government  Rs 1 lakh with effect from May 1, 1993  operative Bank (PMC Bank) after the
         owned agri/ allied, agri activities like  onwards. The insurance cover was  Deposit Insurance and Credit Guaran-
         dairy etc) and agribased fintech Com-  later increased to Rs 5 lakh with effect  tee Corporation (DICGC) had certified
         panies besides exploring SHG/JLG link-  from February 4 onwards.      about 850,000 such valid accounts ear-
         ages, where NPA in the portfolio is                                   lier in the day.
                                            DICGC insures all bank deposits, such
         low" the report said.
                                            as saving, fixed, current, and, recur-  "Unity SFB received from DICGC a cer-
                                            ring, except deposits of foreign Govern-  tified list of erstwhile PMC Bank deposi-
         Depositors of Lucknow co-          ments; deposits of Central/State Gov-  tors who are eligible to receive up to
         operative bank to get              ernments; Inter-bank deposits, and  Rs.5 lakh of their deposits, post bank-
                                            deposits of the State Land Develop-  ing hours," Jaspal Bindra, executive
         money from DICGC on                ment Banks with the State co-opera-  chairman, Centrum Group told.

         April 27                           tive banks.                        A depositor received her money subject
         The Deposit Insurance and Credit   It also does not cover any amount due  to a maximum ceiling of Rs5 lakh as per
         Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) will be  on account of and deposit received  the insurance cover. This means, if the
         making payments to the eligible de-  outside India, and amount which has  total deposit outstanding is less than
         positors of Lucknow-based Indian Mer-  been specifically exempted by the cor-  the benchmark size, the saver receives
         cantile Cooperative Bank on April 27,  poration with the previous approval of  the full money back.
         according to a notice.             the RBI.                           Unity SFB has instantly credited the
         Depositors of Beed-based Dwarakadas  At the end of last fiscal, 252.6 crore  deposit sum in all those depositors'
         Mantri Nagari Sahakari Bank will get  accounts were covered. Of these, 98.1  bank accounts with their holders send-
         payments on June 6. DICGC, a wholly-  per cent were fully protected accounts  ing confirmation of their credit bal-
         owned subsidiary of the RBI, provides  and remaining were partly protected.  ance on the Unity Bank App. T

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