Page 20 - Banking Finance May 2022
P. 20


         from time to time in writing" the Tri-  No proceedings against        amount of Rs 1,18,850 for registration
         bunal pointed out, "but no action has                                 of deed of conveyance.
         been taken by the department."     Moser Baer                         Roy also paid an additional Rs. 2 lakh as
                                            If a personal guarantor passes away,
         "Once a company is dissolved, it be-                                  contribution towards the corpus fund
         comes a non-existent party and there-  the proceedings against him shall  and for maintenance and other
         fore no action can be brought in its  abate, the New Delhi bench of the  charges. He received possession of the
         name. Therefore, in view of the over-  National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)  row house on April 20, 2004, along with
         riding effect of IBC, we hold that the  has held, in the case of Alchemist As-  amenities such as water supply, electric-
         Revenue is not entitled to recover the  set Reconstruction Company Vs  ity, generator, and security services.
         claim," ITAT said.                 Deepak Puri. Puri was the personal
                                            guarantor of the corporate debtor, Pay penalty for failing to
         The precedent cited in this case was a
                                            Moser Baer India Ltd.
         decision of the Supreme Court of India,                               keep books of accounts
         in the case of Ghanshyam Mishra &  The financial creditor, in this case, had  The Pune Bench of the Income-Tax
         Sons Vs Edelweiss Asset Reconstruc-  filed an application under Section 95 of  Appellate Tribunal recently confirmed
         tion. In that case, the apex court had  the IBC to initiate corporate insolvency  the penalty imposed on a doctor under
         said: "when the resolution plan is ap-  resolution process (CIRP) against Puri.  Section 271A of the Income-Tax (I-T)
         proved by NCLT, the claims, which are  It later came to the notice of the Reso-  Act, 1961, for not maintaining books of
         not part of the resolution plan, shall  lution Professional that the personal  accounts.
         stand extinguished and the proceed-  guarantor Deepak Puri had passed  Suresh Surana, founder, RSM India,
         ings related thereto shall stand termi-  away.                        says, "According to Section 271A of the
                                            The Resolution Professional recom-  I-T Act, if any person fails to maintain
                                            mended that the proceedings against  books of accounts and other docu-
         SC: Laundering more hei-           the personal guarantor be closed.  ments for any financial year, as re-

         nous than murder                   Deepak Puri, Chairman of Moser Baer,  quired by Section 44AA and Rule 6F, or
                                            recipient of Padma Shri award in 2010,  retain them for seven financial years,
         Observing that the offence of money                                   tax authorities can direct him/her to
         laundering cannot be treated lightly,  was being investigated by the CBI in a  pay penalty."
                                            Rs. 727.25 crore bank fraud case. He
         the Supreme Court said that it was a
                                            died in California on October 2, 2021.  Sections 44AA and 271A of the Act, are
         more serious and heinous crime than
         murder as it affected the entire                                      interconnected. The former requires
                                                                               professionals and business persons to
         economy whose growth could be put  Buyer shouldn't pay for            maintain books of accounts, the latter
         on hold or derailed because of it.  bank's mistake                    spells out the consequences of not do-
         The court is examining the constitu-  Pandav Roy had entered into an agree-  ing so.
         tional validity of various provisions of  ment with Merlin Projects for the pur-  Ajit Shah, partner, N. A. Shah Associ-
         Prevention of Money Laundering Act  chase of a row house in a complex  ates, says, "Failure to maintain these
         (PMLA) for allegedly being violative of  called "The Terrace" at Merlin Greens  records or retain them for six years
         basic principles of natural justice and  in South 24 Parganas. The total consid-  from the end of the relevant assess-
         criminal jurisprudence.            eration was Rs 14,25,000, of which Roy  ment year can result in a penalty of Rs.

         While hearing a batch of petitions, in-  paid Rs 2,43,750 as earnest money.  25,000."
         cluding those filed by Congress leader  Roy approached Union Bank of India to  Sameer Jain, managing partner, PSL
         Karti Chidambaram and former       obtain a home loan of Rs 15 lakh. Upon  Advocates & Solicitors, says, "If assess-
         Maharashtra home minister Anil     sanction, a tripartite agreement was  ment under Section 147 is launched,
         Deshmukh, the court said such crime  executed on January 21, 2004, which  then books of accounts and other docu-
         affects the integrity and sovereignty of  required the bank to pay the builder  ments must be retained for six years
         the country and that was the purpose  the balance of Rs 13,81,250 towards  or until the assessment is completed,
         for bringing the Act.              the row house, and the remaining   whichever is later." T

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