Page 30 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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meting out to them a patently discrimi-     entire episode however,                   board with discount gala and to intro-
native treatment.                           has already created great                 duce their own product pricing and also
                                            deal of confusion in the                  to have in place a system of good busi-
Undoubtedly the objective of the            non-life insurance market.                ness practice which in turn will help
Authority's Advisory was all the more                                                 restoring greater customer confidence.
apparent and its intent, firm and force-    When viewed against the
ful. For the first time perhaps it was      prospect of the authority
found that, notwithstanding the clear       issuing similar advisories
objective that had been spelt out, the      in future, the situation
insurers were reluctant to heed to the      that has arisen out of
directive of the Authority or rather it     large scale non-compli-
appeared so from their response.            ance by the insurers is
                                            very serious and needs
The lackadaisical attitude shown by the     correction.
insurers to this vital issue created the
impression in the minds of insuring pub-    There can be no two opinions as to the
lic that the so-called Burning Cost is ir-  urgent need for stake holders to re-
relevant to their business operation. The   strain themselves from going over-

Life insurers disapproves the investment of ULIP funds in G-secs

Life insurers are up in arms against        for mandatory investment in G-secs.       age-group for Ulip purchase, so that
IRDAI's proposal that 25 percent of         Ulips are not sold to all customers.      older people do not end up buying
Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) funds     Those who have the risk appetite and      these products with high mortality
be invested in Government Securities        understand how the markets and have       charges.
(G-secs) on the thought that it might       a long-term view to them are these
impact the returns of policyholders.        plans sold. If 25 percent investment of   In September 2010, IRDAI had
The disagreement will be made in            Ulip funds in G-secs is made compulsory,  capped the charges and commissions
writing and a representation will be        the end returns might be impacted and     on Ulips. As fallout, the average com-
made through the Life Insurance Coun-       policyholders might become wary of the    mission in Ulips as a percentage to
cil.                                        product."                                 premiums collected fell to four per-
                                                                                      cent in FY12 from 10 percent in FY10.
In its draft norms on investments,          A proposal was made earlier by the        This however, made the product more
IRDAI has said that not less than 25        IRDAI that Ulips will be made more        transparent. The minimum lock-in was
percent of Ulip funds can be invested       customer-friendly by giving at least      also increased to five years from three
in Central Government Securities. It        90 percent of the premiums paid as        years.
also added equity investments only in       fund value. However, no official guide-
CNX 200 or BSE 200 can be considered        lines were brought out regarding this.    Industry sources said that the proposal
as approved investments.                    The regulator had also planned to cap     for 25 percent investment in GD-secs
                                                                                      was to boost investment by insurers in
Arrays of statements were given by                                                    areas such as infrastructure and re-
the pioneers of the insurance company                                                 lated projects. While they invest in
on this which read as, "Large insurers                                                these sectors from their traditional
have been able to manage a higher al-                                                 funds, Ulip funds primarily invest bulk
location to equity from Ulip funds and                                                of their shares in equity due to the
offer good returns. There is no need                                                  nature of the product structure.

26 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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