Page 29 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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Schemes as well. This adverse develop- It is anybody's guess that the rate so Insurers could then claim to have their
ment had a cascading effect on the fi- arrived after adjusting, as required, for own internal rating structure contrary
nances of the entities which were al- insurer's operating expenses and claim to the hitherto prevailing situation of
ready grappling for survival. experience, however best that may be, their having had to agree to the rates
would be a tad higher than the irratio- dictated by the market forces.
Insurance Regulatory and Development nally discounted rate that was hitherto
Authority of India (IRDAI) concerned prevailing in the industry. Thus, economical rating of products
about the perilous situation towards and proper risk underwriting would
which the non-life industry was moving, At any rate it was a welcome step stand the insurers in a good stead. Of
decided to intervene in the functional taken by the Authority with a view to course, the fall out of the development
methodology and ethos of the stake saving non-life industry from the brink would be a slight hardening of the
holders by introducing a system of hav- of a virtual collapse. In fact any im- market rates whereby insuring public
ing an analytical study of the transac- partial observer of non-life insurance would have to shell out some extra
tional data collected from various stake industry ought to be wondering as to amount of premium.
holders. whither the industry was going in as
much as, for some time in the recent But this disadvantage is insignificant if
Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) past it looked like there was no hope we consider the fact that the step
which was formed for the purpose of for restoring a modicum of financial would help restoring the desired disci-
collating data from various industry propriety to the industry. pline and decorum in the insurance
players submitted its analytical report market and the players adopting good
to IRDAI and on the basis of that re- The main advantage of the introduc- business practices. Besides, it should
port, industry wise Burning Cost was in- tion of Burning Cost was that it pro- also be appreciated that the financial
troduced for Fire Insurance business, to vided an opportunity to the insurers stability of the industry players alone
start with. The authority also confirmed who were virtually beleaguered by un- can guarantee real protection to the
that IIB shall publish such data for other reasonable discounting of premium insuring public.
classes of insurances as well. rates, to have a system in place en-
abling them to conduct analytical study In spite of whatever is said about well-
The Burning Costs so published by IIB are of their industry wise business exposure intentioned Burning Cost, the manner
supposed to be the basis for deciding the and formulate rates based on the prin- in which the insurers reacted to the di-
pricing of their products by the insurers. ciple of real risk underwriting. rective appeared really baffling as if
the advisory of the Regulator was an
affront to them.
Some insurers encouraged their clients
to get their current policies proponed
or to take out new policies at the old
heavily discounted rates to escape from
the effect of Burning cost rates.
Some other insurers chose to simply
ignore the advisory and continued to
underwrite the risk by charging the old
rates. It is noteworthy however, that,
all this was done to favour big corpo-
rate clients only and for medium and
small industries, largely, the rates as
per burning cost were applied thus
The Insurance Times, September 2015 25
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