Page 24 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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Singhal IV (2010) CPJ 297 (NC) wherein National Commission
                                                                while dealing with the issue of breach of condition for not
                                                                taking reasonable care of not safeguarding the insured
                                                                vehicle observed thus:

                                                                "True it is that, had there been such evidence, the
                                                                discrepant statement made by passengers of the insured
                                                                as quantum of hire and reward was not a significant issue.
                                                                Repudiation of claim made by Insurance Company was also
                                                                found to be invalid for the reason that since driver was not
                                                                expected to carry key of the vehicle with him while getting
                                                                down from the vehicle to answer nature's call, particularly,
                                                                when the vehicle was within his sight".

the driver cannot be treated as willful breach of condition     Willful Breach of Policy Condition:
no.5 on the part of the driver. If in the hurry to answer the
call of nature the driver forgot to remove keys from the        The insurer and the insured are bound by the conditions
ignition switch, he cannot be said to have committed willful    enumerated in the policy and the insurer is not liable to the
breach of violation of the terms as strated in the above        insured if there is violation of any policy condition. In theft
condition no.5.                                                 cases of insured vehicles the first and foremost condition
                                                                to be observed is Condition No: 1 of the Policy, which reads
Non Standard Settlement:                                        as under:

The District Consumer Forum of Ajmer on consideration of        "Notice shall be given in writing to the Company
the pleadings of the parties and evidence,allowed the           immediately upon the occurrence of any accidental loss or
complaint on non-standard basis with following observations:    damage in the event of any claim and thereafter the
                                                                insured shall give all such information and assistance as the
                                                                Company shall require. Every letter, claim, writ, summons
                                                                and/or process or copy thereof shall be forwarded to the
                                                                Company immediately on receipt by the insured.

"At the time of the arguments complainant advocate cited        Notice shall also be given in writing to the Company
a judgment (2010) CPJ 297 (NC) National Insurance Co. Ltd.      immediately. The insured shall have knowledge of any
Vs. Kamal Singh in which it is held by the Court that 'Driver   impending prosecution, inquest or fatal inquiry in respect
was not expected to carry key while getting down to             of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this
answer nature's call-Claim be settled on 'non-standard          Policy. In case of theft or criminal act which may be the
basis.' According to complainant, the Driver went to nearby     subject of a claim under this policy the insured shall give
agriculture field to attend nature's call and during that time  immediate notice to the police and co-operate with the
the truck was stolen and he didn’t intimate the policy          Company in securing the conviction of the offender."
authority about 10 days and it is breach of policy. Therefore,
according to Hon'ble Apex Court citation Amalendu Sahoo's       As per Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the word
versus Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. 2010 CPJ 485 we allow        'immediately' means 'at once' whereas Stroud's Judicial
the claim of the complainant at non-standard basis."            Dictionary, Fifth Edition, word 'immediately' in the context
                                                                of contract has to be taken as reasonable requisite time
In the aforesaid view we are supported by judgment of           for doing the thing. As per Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth
Punjab & Haryana High Court in the matter of Bajaj Allianz      Edition, word 'immediately' means doing of a thing
General Insurance Company Ltd. Vs. M/s Sagar Tour &             straightway or forthwith but when used in the context of
Travels & Anr. P.L.R. Vol. CLX IV - (2011-4). Similar question  contract, it is usually construed to mean "within a
came up before the coordinate Bench of this Commission          reasonable time having due regard to the nature of
in the matter of National Insurance Co. Ltd. Vs. Kamal          circumstances of the case".

20 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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