Page 22 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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L osing your vehicle is a frustrating and depressing             insurance company was liable to indemnify the loss caused
              affair which in a few unfortunate cases, could     to the owner of a vehicle. There had been admittedly an
              turn disastrous. When a motorcycle or a car or     insurance for theft and the contention was that the driver
              even a commercial vehicle is stolen, it is always  had left the key in the car parked in an open space and had
better to follow the remedial steps immediately. Report it       gone to answer the nature's call.
immediately to the police soon as you realize your vehicle
has gone missing. Not only does this increase the chance of      The insurance company took the defense that,since the
recovering your vehicle, but also serves as an official proof    owner of the vehicle had been careless in keeping the
of the same.                                                     key in the car, it will not be liable. The High Court find
                                                                 this contention of the insurance company to be outrageous,
In case your stolen vehicle is used to carry out any criminal    for a person that loses the car by keeping the key in car
act, this will ensure that you not be held responsible. The      does not commit any violation of terms of the policy nor
Reliance General Insurance Company challenged an order           could he be expected to keep it in the safe deposit vault
of the Permanent Lok Adalat, which had found that the            when he had to go to answer to the compulsions of nature's
Jagendra     About the author
  Kumar                                                          The Judge find the defense taken by the insurance company
          Mr Jagendra Kumar is currently the                     to be irresponsible and find no justification for interfering
          Corporate Head (Training) at Shriram                   with the order that is passed by the Permanent Lok Adalat.
          General Insurance Company. Mr Kumar is
          a prolific writer and has wide experience              The writ petition was dismissed. (Reliance General Insurance
          in the general insurance industry. Before              Company Ltd. Versus Rajesh Kumar, C.W.P. No.23209 of
          joining SGI he was the CEO in Pearl                    2011, Punjab & Haryana HC, Order dated 14.12.2011.)
          Insurance brokers.

18 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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