Page 18 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 18

Heath Insurance on a low run for Women                                               Launch of TPA deferred

A recent survey among 1,009 women        well as congenital disabilities affecting   The launch of the common Third
showed that only 39% of them have        their new-borns.                                                    Party Adminis-
health cover. Out of this, 22% have                                                                          trator (TPA)
bought insurance for themselves, while   A woman needs to ensure that they                                   floated by four
the rest depended upon policies          have a cover of at least Rs.5 lakh un-                              state-owned
bought for them by male relatives or     der a family floater policy if possible.                            general insurers
                                                        Budget permitting, she       has once again been postponed. The
The survey conducted by                                 can opt for a top-up         TPA which is being set off at an in-
ICICI Lombard General In-                               cover.                       vestment of over Rs.200 crore by
surance, found that de-                                                              New India Assurance, United India
spite a rise in claims filed                            If a woman is convinced      Insurance, National Insurance and
by women in 2014, not too many                          about critical illness cov-  Oriental Insurance to look into the
women were coming forward to buy         ers, she must first evaluate the terms      health claims and handle them which
health insurance. Insurers like Bajaj    and conditions. "There are hardly any       are received by the public general
Allianz, Aegon Beligare Life and Tata    great specialized plans available for       insurers, is now likely to be launched
AIG General offer products or rider      women. Insurance companies have             in the next month.
benefits exclusively for women.          attempted creating such plans but
                                         they have no major cost or feature          How do you benefit from
Tata AIG's Wellsurance Woman is a        advantage, vis-à-vis a standard regular
combination of a hospitalization and     plan in the market", says Mahavir           family floater health in-
critical illness cover that pays for 11  Chopra, Director Health Insurance,
critical illnesses. Aegon Religare's     Coverfox Insurance Broker. "You should      surance?
Woman Care rider is attached to its      weigh both options against the pre-
term insurance policy and covers for     mium. The overall deal works in the         One can buy a health insurance
critical illnesses afflicting women as   favour of regular plans than such spe-      policy of Rs 2 lakh for himself, an-
                                         cialized plans", says Chopra.               other policy of Rs 2 lakh for his
                                                                                     spouse and Rs 1 lakh policy for his
                                                                                     son. Instead of buying separate
                                                                                     health insurance policies for each
                                                                                     member, he can buy a family floater
                                                                                     policy of Rs 5 lakh. Here each mem-
                                                                                     ber of the family can avail cover of
                                                                                     Rs 5 lakh in case of hospitalization.
                                                                                     “Point to note is, the sum assured
                                                                                     limit is not individual limit but a col-
                                                                                     lective one,” explains Deepak
                                                                                     Yohannan, ceo, myinsuranceclub.

                                                                                     Keep your parents out of the family
                                                                                     floater health insurance policies, as
                                                                                     most insurance companies calculate
                                                                                     premium based on the age of the el-
                                                                                     dest member in the family. This in-
                                                                                     flates the cost. Secondly, there is a
                                                                                     high chance of your parents making
                                                                                     a claim whereas a young member
                                                                                     has a low possibility of claim arising
                                                                                     out of hospitalization. By keeping
                                                                                     them out, you save a lot on health
                                                                                     insurance. Instead buy separate
                                                                                     health insurance policy for each of
                                                                                     your parent, says Deepak Yohannan.

14 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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