Page 16 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 16

LIC emerged as a market leader in Bahrain, No. 3 in the UAE

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) -              resident Indians, though we do sell to     target of $299 million as in June 2015
                              India's top life  the local nationals wherever we are        and shall surpass out target in first pre-
                              insurer has       licensed to sell", according to Rajesh     mium income by a good margin at the
                              emerged as        Kandwal, CEO & MD, LIC Interna-            end of the year.
                              the market        tional, Bahrain.
                              leader in                                                    "The year so far has been quite en-
                              Bahrain, part     "Despite the intense competition, we       couraging. In terms of number of poli-
                              of the Gulf       are the market leader in Bahrain.          cies, we are growing at the rate of
                                                Brand LIC has a very strong connection     over 12 percent and in non-single pre-
Cooperation Council (GCC), despite              with the NRIs and quite accepted in        mium, the growth rate is over 36 per-
tough competition from close to 60              the region, thereby making NRI seg-        cent which is satisfactory", Kandwal
global insurance companies. It has also         ment as a 'niche' market for us. There     said.
emerged as the third largest player in          are around 60 insurance companies
the UAE with a strong presence in cit-          operating in the GCC countries",           The bancassurance partners play a sig-
ies like Dubai.                                 Kandwal quoted.                            nificant role in selling to the other na-
                                                                                           tionals, particularly locals. The firm dis-
LIC's Bahrain operations occupy the top         LIC has operations in 13 overseas coun-    tributes its products through tied chan-
position in the overall international           tries, including Fiji, Mauritius, the UK,  nels, banks, brokers and corporate
operations of the corporation. As far as        Singapore, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya,        agents. BBK and SBI (in Bahrain), FGB,
the new business is concerned, it con-          Saudi Arabia etc. The major contribut-     Emirates NBD, ADCB and RAK Bank
tributes over 80 percent of the total           ing factors for high performance are       (UAE) and Doha Bank (Qatar) are the
share. India's top life insurer operates        attractive products, high trust level of   major bancassurance partners. LIC has
in five GCC countries - Bahrain, UAE,           the brand and success of                   also signed an agreement with promi-
Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.                         bancassurance in the UAE.                  nent a broker recently. Lastly, Kandwal
                                                                                           said, "In order to deepen
"LIC has 43 percent market share in             The firm has been doing very well in       bancassurance relationship, cobranded
premium income and 89 percent in                terms of new business in this year. Ac-    credit card with our bancassurance
policies in Bahrain. The customer base          cording to the firm, it has already        partner First Gulf Bank (FGB) was
in the countries we are operating in            achieved total first premium income        launched".
the region mainly comprises of non-

LIC eyes higher market                                          Articles/Feedback Invited

share in policies                               We invite articles on Life Insurance, General insurance, Risk
                                                Management or any other related topics on insurance for publication
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has set        in our journal The Insurance Times and Life Insurance Today.
                          a target to
                          achieve 85% of        You may also send your feedback on the current scenario of Insurance
                          its market share      Industry in form of Letters to Editor Column.
                          in terms of poli-
                          cies and 80% in       If you come across any important caselaws that we might have
                                                missed or any other news item of importance, please send us by
terms of first premium by the end of            mail/post for publication.
the current fiscal. After the dismal
performance in 2014-15, the company             We also invite your suggestions and feedbacks for inclusion of new
has started recovering its market               topics in the journal which you would like us to cover. You can also
share in the last four months of the fis-       post comment on Facebook at
cal. After a gap of 20 months, the Cor-         bimabazaar and or on twitter
poration soft-launched its first Ulip           at
product-New Endowment Plus which
offers investment-cum-insurance cover                                                                                               - Editor
during the term of the policy.

12 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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