Page 12 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 12
Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority
IRDA dwindle distributors commissions IRDAI penalizes Reliance
Life Insurance for norms
The Insurance regulator under the pro- "This will bring in transparency and dis- violations
posed new rules has decided to reduce courage force selling of insurance prod-
the commissions that take a big bite ucts", said S. B. Mathur, former chair- The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
out of initial premiums, as much as 25- man of the state owned Life Insurance opment Author-
30% of the first payments on ity of India has
policies mostly without the Corp. of India (LIC). imposed Rs.85
customer's knowledge. lakh penalty on
IRDAI has proposed a policy
A decades-old practice of big for the allocation of ex- Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd.
commissions paid to distribu- penses for various seg- for violation of norms pertaining to
tors that have been weighing ments. It said that, no in- outsourcing, among other violations.
down returns for policyhold- surer should spend more
ers, these mostly go under than an aggregate 10% of An independent audit by chartered
the radar and are only dis- all first year premiums and account firm should be commissioned
covered, for instance, at the 4% of all renewal premium to look into the entire transactions of
time of early surrender of a policy, ex- on policies granting de- payments made to the service provid-
perts said. ferred annuities for more than one ers and the structure/shareholding
premium, 5% of premiums received pattern/commission and the exist-
The regulator has also proposed the during the year on single premium an- ence of all these entries, including the
scrapping of upfront commissions that nuity products and 1/20th of 1% of the relevance of payments made by Reli-
some insurance companies pay to dis- average of the total sums assured by ance Money Infrastructure to various
tributors such as banks, which could put policies excluding single premium poli- entities, IRDAI said.
a question mark on such tie-ups. A note cies.
by the regulator Irdai announcing the The company was asked to review
new rules are yet to be notified. The The proposed rule changes may lead to and examine the outsourcing policy
move by the regulator will help reduce some immediate pain, but will have a and related activities of the company
mis-selling of policies. beneficial effect in the long term, said and initiate necessary steps to bring
an executive. about compliance in letter and spirit
to the regulatory provisions.
Barrage of insurance rules to flood sector
The IRDAI is set to bring out a number the way insurance is conceptualized, speedier execution and finalization of
of new rules to conform to the New sold and bought. It will bring out regu- new norms. These committees consist
Insurance Act which will be imple- lations on claim rejection, expense of members from the insurance sector
mented from as early as December management, and solvency ratio too. to deliberate and come up with appro-
2015. priate recommendations in their report
Adding further to the development, on these issues.
The Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act three committees on life, non-life and
2015 has made fundamental changes in health have been constituted for "Now that the regulatory body has all
8 The Insurance Times, September 2015
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