Page 10 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 10
PM's insurance plans Pvt. Execs can search jobs in Govt. General Insurers
records 300 claims till
now Senior executives of private insurance The chairman's post has been vacant
companies, bureaucrats and officials of in National Insurance Company for
The government's New Accident IRDAI can now apply for the post of more than a year.
and Life Insurance covers have al- Chairman and Managing Director in
ready received more than 300 claims public sector general insurance compa- The government has given additional
in nearly three months since its in- nies keeping in lines of the norms for role to Agriculture Insurance
ception. state-run banks. Company's CMD P. J. Joseph as chair-
man of the Kolkata-based insurer. The
The official data reads out that the There are two vacancies at present in post of chairman at India's designated
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima state-owned General Insurance Com- reinsurer General Insurance Corpora-
Yojana (PMBSY) which provides an panies. Though IRDAI officials are al- tion will fall vacant in October.
accident insurance cover has re- lowed to apply, the regulator is also
ceived 76 claims, while the Pradhan looking to fill three vacancies at the The government appointed Rajesh
Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana Insurance Regulator and Development Agarwal, joint secretary, department
(PMJJBY), which is a life insurance Authority. These include member life, of financial services, as in-charge of
scheme, has got 288 claims. member non-life and member actuary. National Insurance on May 19.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had A cashless treatment for road accident victims: Modi
launched the two insurance schemes
along with the Atal Pension Yojana The Modi government is planning to have cashless treatment facilities in more
on May 9 this year to improve social parts of the country during the 'golden hour'. Addressing
security and insurance coverage in the nation through his radio broadcast series "Mann Ki
the country. baat," Modi said every four minutes a person is killed in a
road accident. "My biggest concern is that almost one-
Finance ministry data reveals that 27 third of those who died belonged to age group of 15-25
claims under PMSBY have already years", he said while appealing to parents to create an environment for road
been cleared by the insurers while safety in families.
more than 100 claims of life insur-
ance under the PMJJBY have also He also announced that the government is going to bring a new legislation called,
been paid by the insurance company. 'Road Transport and Safety Bill'. In his 10th monthly address on radio, Modi also
paid his respect to the Kargil martyrs. The Prime Minister efforts will be to pro-
Officials however, point out that vide the best treatment for the victim possible, regardless of whether the vic-
given the high number of enrollment tim can afford it or not. He further added that the project will begin from the
for the schemes, the claims have not Gurgaon-Jaipur-Vadodra highway and later expanded to the Mumbai-Ranchi-
been very high. Rangaon-Mondia national highway.
"A large number of people have Chhattisgarh to adopt national insurance cover for
signed up for these schemes that
provide insurance cover at very af- seven crops
fordable rates. Insurers do the re-
quired due diligence while process- Chhattisgarh government had decided to implement the Na-
ing the claims", said an official. tional Agriculture Insurance Policy and cover seven crops for the
current Kharif season. The crops to be covered under the na-
tional agriculture insurance scheme includes paddy, Makka,
Soyabean, Groundnut, Arhar pulses, Udad and Moong. The state
cabinet had approved the draft of the National Agriculture Insurance Policy in
May this year. The spokesperson said the agriculture department after consul-
tations with the union agriculture ministry had given final share for the imple-
mentation of the insurance policy.
The agriculture department officials said that the policy would cover all the
farmers, no matter whether they had taken loans or not. The share croppers
would also be entitled for the crop insurance.
6 The Insurance Times, September 2015
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