Page 14 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 14
16 insurance firms under IRDA restores representative body and excludes brokers
FinMin scanner
The IRDAI has revamped the General brokers. "I have met the chairman of
A probe was conducted by the Insurance Council (GI Council), the offi- IRDAI on this matter and expressed our
Chennai Zonal unit of the Directorate cial representative body of 29 general displeasure. I have also explained that
General of Central Excise Intelligence insurers, with the addition of five new the brokers are real representative of
under summons against 16 insurance members but excluded the broking insuring public.
companies engaged in providing mo- community from the proposed Self-
tor-vehicle insurance policies for Regulatory Organization (SRC). IRDAI chairman explained that the
wrongly availing cenvat credit on the nomination by the IRDAI to the GI Coun-
bogus invoices of the car dealers. The Insurance (Amend-
ment) 2015 Act provides cil is as per the Insurance
A revenue intelligence agency has for restructure of existing Act (Amendments 2015)
found that some 16 insurance com- official representatives and IRDAI has no role in
panies engaged in motor-vehicle in- bodies like GI Council and it. However, I have re-
surance have been wrongly availing of Life Insurance Council to enable them quested him to consider
cenvat credit worth around Rs.2,500 to operate more like a SRO. inclusion of IBAI in the General Council,
crore by producing fake invoices. Chairman has promised to look into the
However, insurance brokers have pro- matter. We don't mind knocking, at the
The estimated incorrect cenvat credit tested the move as despite the fact that door of Parliament to see our represen-
involved in this case is Rs.1,200 to Rs 20 percent (around Rs.22,000 crore) of tation in IBAI", said Kadel.
2,500 crore as per the statement of total industry's premium passes through
the finance ministry. Detailing the brokers, none of their representatives New members of GI Council are - Girish
modus operandi, the DGCEI said that have found a place in revamped GI Coun- Rao, representing Third Party Adminis-
the car manufacturers were entering cil. Sohanlal Kadel, president, Indian trators, Sanjeeb Choudhury (policy hold-
into agreement with the insurance Brokers Association of India, has ers), Adil Frenchman (intermediaries),
companies for appointing them as claimed that the brokers are real rep- Yogesh Gandhi (Surveyor & Loss Ad-
Preferred car Insurance Companies resentative of insuring public and has juster) and Indu Sawhney (person of
(PICs) and instructing their car deal- taken up the issue of non-inclusions of eminence but not part of the insurance
ers to sell their insurance policies to industry).
these companies only.
IRDAI to accelerate online approvals
Such PICs were paying commission on
the value of the insurance policies to The Insurance Regulatory and Devel- folio requires to be updated every few
the car companies in the range of 2- opment Authority of India (IRDAI) months", said the head of products in
3 percent while 15-45 percent to the plans to make the approval process for a mid-size life insurance company.
car dealers. online products simpler and faster.
For customers, too, the proposal form
The IRDAI regulations do not allow The IRDAI authorities are trying to en- would get simpler, with fewer ques-
any person other than insurance sure that they do not undergo the tions, so that the turnaround time to
agents and insurance brokers ap- same rigorous process as offline prod- buy insurance is considerably reduced.
proved by it to sell vehicle insurance ucts to get approved, and are ap- The regulator has also constituted two
policies and the maximum brokerage proved within 30-40 days. groups, one in life insurance and one
or commission payable for selling in- in general insurance, to explore oppor-
surance policies is capped at 10 per- As insurance product first goes to the tunities in e-commerce. It is also ex-
cent of the premium. regulator, which approves the features pected to clarify on the presently grey
and pricing, after which it can be area of digital signatures.
As these services were never provided brought to the market for sale.
by the dealers, the invoices raised
were not permissible documents un- "Offline products take at least four to "Life insurer said reforms in the sector
der the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 six months to be approved. The same are needed. The online market is distinct
and the Service Tax Rule, 1994 for process might not be viable for an from offline space. Based on customer
availing cenvat credit. online insurance market, where cus- feedback, we should be allowed to tweak
tomers look for new products and rid- product pricing and features in online
ers on regular basis. Hence, the port- products", said the Chief Executive.
10 The Insurance Times, September 2015
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