Page 17 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 17

Health Insurance


New health plan to cover                    A universal farm and health insurance for masses
citizens above 60
                                            The Centre is gearing up to launch two   The scheme is basically targeted at
The government is finalizing a new          more Mass Social Security Schemes to     providing financial protection to farm-
                            health insur-   make healthcare affordable and tackle    ers; thereby ensuring food security,
                            ance scheme     distress in the farming sector across    crop diversification and enhancing the
                            for the senior  the country.                             growth and competitiveness of agricul-
                            citizens, who                                            ture sector besides protecting farmers
                            are unable to   The government is planning to come       from financial risks.
                                            up with a universal health scheme and
get a suitable health insurance             an exclusive all-in-one insurance prod-  "At present, the sum insured under a
cover. The new scheme has been              uct for the farming community as part    typical crop insurance scheme is the
launched by Prime Minister                  of its ongoing efforts to bring people   cost of inputs or the loan taken by the
Narendra Modi on August 15.                 under the social security net.           farmer. The claim is calculated by ap-
                                                                                     plying the shortfall in yield ratio to the
The new health plan would provide           Against the back-
a cover of Rs.1 lakh annually for sec-      ground of rising inci-                                     sum insured. The gov-
ondary and tertiary treatment. Se-          dents of farmers' sui-                                     ernment now seems to
nior citizens would be expected to          cides in the country,                                      be thinking in terms of
subscribe individually for the scheme,      the government's pro-                                      covering farmer's in-
but the government would subsidize          posal for an exclusive                                     come loss", said former
the premium for those below pov-            all-in-on insurance                                        IRDAI Member K. K.
erty line by up to 90 percent through       product for the farming                                    Srinivasan. It has been
cash transfer to their bank accounts.       community is keenly awaited. The         revealed that less than 20 percent of
                                            product, which will be called Unified    the total farming population in the
"The scheme would involve annual            Package Insurance Scheme (Bhartiya       country has crop insurance, thereby
cover renewable from year to year           Krishi Bima Yojana), would combine       exposing a vast majority of the farm-
and the treatments would be cash-           nine features with mandatory crop in-    ers to vagaries of weather.
less", said a note prepared by the          surance. However, the farmers have to
Department of Financial Services.           choose at least four other features to   The draft paper on the Universal
                                            avail subsidy under crop insurance sec-  Health Insurance Scheme says that
The insurance cover to BPL senior           tion.                                    there will be two kinds of covers - sum
citizens would be above Rs. 30,000                                                   assured of Rs 50,000 and Rs 1 lakh; for
health insurance cover provided             According to the draft, the proposed     which a customer may have to pay a
through the Rashtriya Swasthya              policy incorporates various products     premium of Rs 700 and Rs 1,300 respec-
Bima Yojana.                                like crop insurance, health cover, per-  tively. The policy covers cashless hos-
                                            sonal accident insurance, live stock/    pitalization for diseases contracted, or
The Finance Ministry is also consid-        cattle insurance, insurance cover for    injury sustained by the insured per-
ering the option for providing Rs.1         agriculture implements like tractors     sons. Pre-existing diseases will be in-
lakh cover annually on a family             and pump sets, student safety and life   cluded after a waiting period of 24
floater basis to the entire family that     insurance etc.                           months.
would include senior citizens.

                                            The Insurance Times, September 2015 13

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