Page 20 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 20

SBI Life to Expand                    Future Generali eyes growth on economy pickup
 Bancassurance by 50%
                                          Future Generali India Insurance Com-        Rs.1,480 crore.
The country's biggest banking net-        pany, a joint venture between retail
work SBI along with its insurer is        giant Future Group and Italian insur-       Solvency ratios are comfortable and
planning to expand bancasurance           ance major Generali, expects to post a      there is no immediate requirement to
channel by 50% alongside raising the                                                  infuse capital, Rao said.
field force by about 10% to push                                 20-25 percent
business growth.                                                 growth this fiscal,  He expressed hope that insurance regu-
                                                                 said the company's   lator IRDAI will lift the current cap on
The company aims to grow business by                             MD and CEO K. G.     commission payable to intermediaries
30% this fiscal. SBI has a 16,333 strong                         Krishnamoorthy       to reflect current realities.
branch network with 50% of it selling                            Rao. This will be
SDBI Life's policies. SBI Life's Manag-                          well above the ex-   The surveyor fee which has remained
ing Director Arijit Basu said that, its                          pected general in-   fixed at Rs.20,000 for very long, now
average business per branch is about      surance industry growth of about 15         needs a change and an upward revision
Rs.8 lakh while it would be around        percent this fiscal, he added.              would actually help the industry and
Rs.50 lakh for its nearest rivals.                                                    customers to complete claim settle-
                                          Last year, the company grew at 14           ments quickly, he said.
SBI Life, the 74:26 joint venture be-     percent even as the sector recorded its
tween SBI and BNP Paribas Cardif          slowest growth in several years, at 9       Rao also called for a standardized ap-
was the largest private insurer in        percent.                                    proach for providing awards/compen-
terms of new business at the end of                                                   sation for road accident victims.
March 2015 while it was third
among private players in terms of         The pickup in the economy and a             Besides, the lack of any time bar for
total premium collection, the com-        couple of regulatory changes are ex-        filing third party claims often creates
pany official said.                       pected to usher in faster growth this       problems, Rao said, adding that there
                                          fiscal Rao said.                            is a need to limit both the time within
It plans to raise the number of                                                       which a claim can be made as well as
agents to 90,000 by the end of this       This is contingent on auto sector sales     the amount.
fiscal from 83,000. According to          reviving since motor insurance pre-
Basu, SDBI Life's existing agents are     mium contributes about 55 percent of        Future Generali India Insurance MD
running in highest productivity and       the company's revenue.                      and CEO K. G. Krishnamoorthy Rao
therefore, the company needs to                                                       called for a standardized approach to
expand the team to push growth.           Last year, Future Generali had recorded     providing compensation for road acci-
                                          a 50 percent jump in profits at Rs.60.9     dent victims.
The company's bancassurance               crore on a gross premium income of
model accounts for 55% of its busi-
ness with the balance coming              Pension business of life insurers plunges 90% to Rs
through retail agencies.                  2,000 cr in FY15

It reported a total business of           The life insurance industry is bearing the brunt of a 90 per cent fall in pension
Rs.12,867 crore in 2014-15, with the      business due to a special tax treatment for the New Pension System and a regu-
first year premium collection growing     latory clause that makes it mandatory for life insurers to offer guaranteed re-
18% to Rs.5,528 crore and the bal-        turns to subscribers. The pension business of life insurance players is down to a
ance coming from renewal premium.         meagre Rs 2,000 crore in 2014-15, from Rs 20,000 crore in 2009-10.

SBI would have 10% of its stake in        Pushed to the wall, the industry has called for a level-playing field. The plunge
the insurance company in favour of        has been more pronounced since the introduction of the clause in 2009-10 which
BNP Paribas Cardif as the govern-         made it compulsory for life insurers to offer guaranteed returns on pension prod-
ment allowed up to 49% foreign hold-      ucts.
ing. SBI Life has an authorized capi-
tal of Rs.2,000 crore with a paid up      The Budget provision of Rs 50,000 worth of additional tax-free incentive to NPS
capital of Rs.1,000 crore.                investment over and above the existing Rs 1.5 lakh has only made their life

16 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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