Page 25 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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More or less to the effect, is the same meaning assigned in as to disentitle the insured to make the claim under the
Mitra's Legal and Commercial Dictionary, Fifth Edition. policy. It all depends on facts of the case”.
Since, in the present case, there was a contract between
the insured and the insurer and, the word 'immediately', The car was said to have been lost at the time when the
under the circumstances, has to be construed within a driver had parked the vehicle in front of the house of his
reasonable time having due regard to the nature of relative but did not remove keys. The particular Clause 5
circumstances of the case. extracted above shall be read in the context of a person
deliberately doing an act that resulted in theft. If no willful
Learned Counsel for the respondent has placed reliance on act could be attributed to the insured then this clause
judgment of National Commission in R.P. No. 375 of 2013 - cannot operate to exclude the liability of the insurance
Sukhwinder Singh Vs. Cholamandalam & Anr. in which it was company.
held that if the driver was in the hurry to answer the call
of nature and the driver forgot to remove keys from the A human fallibility to forget is not the same as committing
ignition switch, he cannot be said to have committed willful violation of terms of the policy. The permanent Lok Adalat
breach in violation of condition No. 5 of the policy. had taken care to case some portion of liability on the
insured and has denied to him the 25% of the sum insured
In the case in hand, there is no averment in the FIR, under the policy. Thankfully for the insurance company,
complaint etc. that Puneet Kumar along with his father claimant himself has not come by means of any writ petition
complainant were in hurry to answer the nature of call and seeking for the entire amount".
the driver forgot to take key with him. Rather, in motor
claim form, complainant tried to justify that the vehicle was This appeal takes an exception to an order dated 06/06/2003
taken away at gun point. passed in consumer complaint no.93/1997, Mr. Vasant
Anant Sawant v/s. The Oriental Insurance Co.Ltd. by District
In the aforesaid judgment Sukhwinder Singh (Supra), Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, Raigad at Alibag. It is
judgment of this Commission reported in IV (2010) CPJ 297 a case of arbitrary repudiation of the insurance claim by
(NC) - National Insurance Co. Ltd. Vs. Kamal Singhal was also respondent-Insurance Company (herein after referred as
referred in which it was observed that the driver is not Insurance Company) in case of theft of vehicle belonging to
expected to carry key of the vehicle with him while going the appellant/complainant. Admittedly, theft had taken
to answer the natural call, particularly, when the vehicle place on 18/07/1996.
was within his sight.
On next day the FIR was lodged about the theft of the
Reasonable Steps for Protection: vehicle in Dhule, Shirpur Taluka police station, which
ultimately after investigation issued a summary report.
A simple task, yet one that is often overlooked due to Insurance claim was repudiated on the ground that, at the
carelessness is to lock the vehicle. The owner/driver should time of happening of event, the vehicle was given on hire
ensure that all the doors & windows (including sunroof) of and reward basis contrary to the terms of the insurance
the vehicle are sealed tight. A small opening is all that a policy. Said repudiation is based on the report submitted
thief needs to gain access. Vehicle needs to be locked even by the investigator appointed by the Insurance Company.
if it's only a 2 minute stop to pick up the hot cup of tea.
And more importantly the key should not be left in the Forum upheld the contention of the Insurance Company and
vehicle in any case of urgency. dismissed the consumer complaint. Feeling aggrieved
thereby, original complainant preferred this appeal. In the
In the case of Bajaj Allianz General insurance Company Ltd., instant case, forum relied upon statement of the daughter
Vs. M/s Sagar Tour and Travels and Another, the High Court of the complainant alleged to have been recorded by the
of Punjab and Haryana decided on 11.08.2011 that "this investigator Om Nityan and Enterprises (it is not made clear
clause would mean that the insured shall take reasonable as to who has recorded the same) dated 15/08/1996.
steps for protection. Retention of a key in the car ought
not to be at all times taken as constituting so serious breach It is conceded that there is no evidence in form of affidavit
The Insurance Times, September 2015 21
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