Page 38 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 38

with regard to Corona Virus? As an industry closely linked  interim to prepare for it. Customer perception may be that
         with the health of the population in general and our  these firms are large organizations out for themselves, but
         policyholders in particular, are we rising to the occasion now  there are enormous risks to insurance businesses the scale
         guiding the general public about this Virus? What is the part  of which we have rarely seen before. Insurers and reinsurers
         to be played by the Insurance Regulator- Insurance   face huge exposure as major events are cancelled - Munich
         Regulatory and Development Authority of India, in short the  Re has exposure to the Olympic Games in the region of
         IRDAI? In what way, the Government of India can intervene  hundreds of millions of Euro to take one example.
         in this matter to help the common public?
                                                              That would be a big hit for a firm of Munich Re's size, but
         Let us look at these situations & The Role of the Government  for smaller, specialist firms that specialize in event insurance
         of India at this context. This subject has been taken up first  and offer communicable disease cover, the ongoing
         because Insurance is only one of the many numerous steps  cancellation of events of all sizes could well see them fail. It
         to be taken up by the Government to come to the rescue  is almost certain in the Global Market that we will see
         of the suffering public, especially the poor and the  insurance businesses fail and quite possibly in significant
         downtrodden. Findings are -                          numbers. We could also see the collapse of individual life and
         1. The Government has announced to provide an Health  health insurance companies - ratings agency Fitch has
             Insurance of Rs 50 lacs per head for all Doctors, Nurses,  already warned that life insurance companies could be
             Health care workers, 'Safai Karmacharis', ward boys,  particularly hard hit by the combination of falling stock
             ASHA Workers, Para-medics, Technicians and Specialists  markets and increasing mortality.
             and all the Traffic Police personnel for a period of 3
             months till June 2020, to be continued if required.  Paying out on policies will be a huge hit to insurers, and for
             Health care workers alone are 22 lakhs people in India.  reinsurers when added to their other exposure. That could
         2. All the above categories of persons are also covered by  put them in serious jeopardy. Additionally, giant, global
             Personal Accident Cover of Rs 50 lakhs for this period.  businesses are failing, with airlines looking to be the earliest
                                                              casualties and hospitality chains likely to swiftly follow. Firms
         3. There are 50 lakhs trucks in India but only 4 lac trucks
             ply daily. These 4 lac drivers and cleaners will be  of this size are more likely to have comprehensive cover, so
                                                              having to pay out on any policies that do include contagious
             extended this Health Insurance of Rs 50 lakhs per head
             for 3 months as a short term insurance cover by the  disease cover will further add to the burden faced by the
             Government and the Life Insurance Corporation of  insurance industry.
             India- LIC- and the modalities are being worked out. 19
             deaths that took place among these truck drivers and  Add to that the volumes of payouts on existing travel
             cleaners have created a panic among this section of  insurance policies being way out of expected bounds -
                                                              globally around £275 million is expected to be paid out in
             population and hence this reassuring gesture from the
                                                              COVID19 related claims the majority of which will be for
                                                              cancellation cover - and the pandemic starts to look
         4. The Income Tax Department has announced that      incredibly serious for the insurance industry. And as if that
             insurance premiums paid up to June 30, 2020 would be  wasn't enough, the investments insurers rely on to give them
             taken as paid on or before March 31 2020 and the  funds to pay such claims are in freefall.
             eligible IT Rebates would be given for the FY 2019-2020
             in the Income Tax Assessments of people.         Finally to sum up, it is almost certain that we will see
         5. All Health Insurers have to cover the Corona Virus  insurance businesses fail and quite possibly in significant
             Pandemic claims including hospital treatments under  numbers, if the proper coordination amongst the IRDAI,
             the Ayushman Bharat, although this was not envisaged  insurers, network hospitals and intermediaries for
             at the inception of this Scheme.                 smoothening the COVID-19 claim settlements to meet the
                                                              significant needs of the country.
         The impact on the insurance industry will be
         unprecedented:                                       Reference:
         Despite a global pandemic being voted the biggest risk to  Different contemporary regulations, discussions &
         the industry in a poll of insurance executives in 2013, most  information as collected and collated from various text
         insurance companies seem to have taken little action in the  materials available on-line & in hard copies. T

          38  The Insurance Times, July 2020
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