Page 43 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 43

1. The Proposed Cost per day as a ceiling for the various types of stay in hospitals are as follows –

                                    Hospital Rates for per day of admission (in Rs.)
                                         Moderate Sickness          Severe Sickness       Very Severe Sickness
          Category of Hospitals      ISOLATION BEDS including     ICU without need for   ICU with ventilator care
                                     supportive care & oxygen        ventilator care     (invasive/noninvasive)
          NABH Accredited Hospitals   10,000/- (including cost of  15,000/- (including cost  18,000/- (including cos
          (including entry level)          PPE Rs. 1200/-)          of PPE Rs. 2000/-)      of PPE Rs. 2000/-)
          Non-NABH Accredited         8,000/- (including cost of  13,000/- (including cost  15,000/- (including cost
          Hospitals                       PPE Rs. 1200/-)           of PPE Rs. 2000/-)      of PPE Rs. 2000/-)

         Inclusions are –                                      Type of City/District     % of CELING RATE
         €   Consultation                                                                     PER DAY

         €   Nursing Charges                                   Metropolitan Cities             100%
         €   Room Stay & Meals                                 Othe State Capitals             90%
         €   COVID testing                                     Rest of the country             75%
         €   Monitoring & Investigations –Biochem& Imaging; Phys-
                                                              3. As per the type of Hospital, based on the in-
                                                              frastructure & expertise available –
         €   PPE

         €   Drugs & Medical Consumables                       Type of Hospital   # of beds    # of      % of
         €   Biochemical Waste Management & other Protective                                 Minimum    ceiling
             gear                                                                           Specialities  rate

         €   Bed side procedures like Ryles tube insertion, urinary                           offered   per day
             tract Catheterization                             Tertiary Hospital     >100       7        100%
                                                               Nursing Homes        50-100      4        80%
         Exclusions Per Diem Bases are –                       Standalone Hospitals  >50        2        65%
         €   Interventional Procedures like, but not limited to, Cen-
             tral Line insertion, Chemoport Insertion, bronchoscopic  ** Each Hospital to have an Operational ICU & OT
             procedures, biopsies, ascitic /pleural tapping, etc,
             which may be charges at the rack rate as on 31st De-  4. Investigations are a part of the Per Diem cost,
             cember 2019                                      however in exceptional cases, some of the diagnostics have
                                                              to be conducted more frequently than 90% of all cases.
         €   High end drugs like Immunoglobulins, Meropenem,
             Parentral Nutrition, Tocilizumab, etc - to be charged  In order to bring about a cost optimization for the most
             at MRP                                           utilised Investigations, some of the capping proposed are –
                                                              a. Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) – INR 400/-
         €   High end investigations like MRI, PET scan - to be
             charges at rack rates of hospital as on 31st December  b. Blood Sugar Level (BSL) – INR 100/-
                                                              c.  D- Dimer Levels – INR 800/-
         €   Dead body storage & carriage @INR 5000/-
                                                              d. Haemograms– INR 150/-
         €   Treatment of any co-morbid conditions, an additional
                                                              e. CT Chest – INR 3500/-
             amount of up to INR 5000/- would be allowed
                                                              f.  X Ray Chest – INR 500/-
         2. Geographically, the proposed rates are for        g. ECG – INR 300/-
         hospitals as given below –

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