Page 39 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 39



          RAMPING UP


          ATTACKS AMID

          COVID-19 CRISIS

         I     n mid-March 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic was  Maze attackers utilize multiple methods of intrusion to

               exploding in the US, the attack came. Hackers hit the
                                                              breach systems and encrypt data, which locks companies out
               Department of Health and Human Services with a
                                                              of their systems and can halt business operations. However,
               breach of its systems, unleashing a disruption and
         disinformation campaign designed to undermine the US  there is an even more harmful risk in a Maze attack - the
                                                              perpetrators also threaten to publicly release confidential
         response to the pandemic.                            and proprietary company information in order to extort a
                                                              ransom payment.
         As the country's focus shifted to the health and wellbeing
         of residents and healthcare workers, cyber criminals shifted  Unfortunately, when a major event draws the attention and
         into overdrive, launching an increased number of attacks.  energies of the entire world, it is prime time for cyber
         Conference app Zoom, now being used by people to connect  criminals to wreak havoc. Almost as quickly as the virus grew
         with friends, family, and coworkers, was the target of  in the US, hackers were taking advantage of the COVID-19
         repeated hijackings, or "Zoom-bombing" events in which  pandemic, launching phishing attacks, trying to capitalize
         hackers gained access to private chats and broadcast  on the increased demand for information and guidance.
         inappropriate material to all participants.
                                                              Those attacks are expected to continue to climb, particularly
         At the same time, Maze ransomware attacks also increased.  since more companies are encouraging employees to work
                                                              remotely during the pandemic. As of March 17, 2020, 88
                              About the author                percent of companies were encouraging or requiring
                                                              employees to work from home. That means computer and
                        Danielle Roth                         network security measures, including security guidelines, are
                        Claims Manager,                       more important now than ever.
                        Cyber, AXA XL
                                                              With more employees working remotely, companies should

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