Page 24 - Insurance Times February 2016
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property due to accidents arising from the manufacturing,          provide for public liability insurance for the purpose of
processing, trading, transport activities of the insured. The      providing immediate relief to the persons affected by
legal cost and expenses incurred by the insured in defending       accident occurring while handling any hazardous substances
the case with prior consent of the insurance company are           and for matters connected therewith."
also payable subject to certain terms and conditions under
this policy.                                                       Sec.4 of the Act 1991 specifies the liability of an owner to
                                                                   take out public liability insurance policy. Sec. 4 of the Act
One can insure more than one unit situated in different            provides as follow;
locations under a single policy. The policy offers a benefit
of retroactive period on continuous renewal of policy              "(1) Every owner shall take out, before he starts handling
whereby claims reported in subsequent renewal but                  any hazardous substance, one or more insurance policies
pertaining to earlier period after first inception of the policy,  providing for contracts of insurance thereby he is insured
also become payable.                                               against liability to give relief under sub-section (1) of section
                                                                   3; Provided that any owner handling any hazardous
Types of public liability Insurance:                               substance immediately before the commencement of this
                                                                   Act shall take out such insurance policy or policies as soon
There are basically three types of public liability Insurance.     as may be and in any case within a period of one year from
i) Public Liability Insurance Act Policy ii) Public Liability      such commencement.
Industrial Risk Insurance and iii) Public Liability Non-
industrial Risks Insurance;                                        (2) Every owner shall get the insurance policy, referred to
1. Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 Policy - This is a          in subsection (1), renewed from time to time before the
                                                                   expiry of the period of validity thereof so that the insurance
     mandatory policy to be taken by owners ,users or              policies may remain in force throughout the period during
     transporters of hazardous substance or chemicals as           which such handling is continued.
     defined under Environment (Protection) Act 1986 in
     excess of the minimum quantity specified under the            (2A) No insurance policy taken out by an owner shall be for
     Public Liability Insurance Act 1991.                          an amount less than the amount of the paid-up capital of
                                                                   the under taking handling any hazardous substance and
2. Public Liability Non Industrial Risk - For offices, hotels,     owned or controlled by that owner and more than the
     cinema houses, hospitals, schools etc.                        amount, not exceeding Rs.50crore, as may be prescribed.
                                                                   (Explanation.- "Paid-up capital" in this sub-section means,
3. Public Liability Industrial Risk - For godowns ,                in the case of an owner not being a company, the market
     warehouses and factories.                                     value of all assets and stocks of the undertaking on the date
                                                                   of contracts of insurance.)
1. Public Liability Act Policy (PLI Act, 1991)
                                                                   (2B) The liability of the insurer under one insurance policy
Public Liability Insurance under Public Liability Insurance        shall not exceed the amount specified in the terms of the
Act, 1991 is a compulsory insurance for the firms and              contract of insurance in that insurance policy.
individuals owning or handling hazardous materials. The
Preamble of the PLI Act, 1991 states that it is "an Act to

                                                                   (2C) Every owner shall also, together with the amount of
                                                                   premium, pay to the insurer, for being credited to the Relief
                                                                   Fund established under section 7A, such further amount,
                                                                   not exceeding the amount of premium, as may be

                                                                   (2D) The insurer shall remit the further amount received
                                                                   from the owner under sub-section (2C) to the Relief Fund
                                                                   in such manner and within such period as may be prescribed

24 The Insurance Times, February 2016

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