Page 19 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 19

are multiple times than Premiums -both of these are  The commitment to distribute technical profits to poli-

Gamblings.                                                     cyholders

RIBA: It is earning Interest from Investments and using In-     The avoidance of investment in Non-Shariah- compliant
vestment Income to pay Losses to Insureds- these are pro-           assets
hibited in Islam.
                                                               Takaful Model

HARAM: Investment in elements of Pork- Alcohol- Pornog-                       TAKAFUL OPERATOR'S FUND
raphy- Gambling etc. are prohibited in Islam.                      Share Capital + Investment Returns on Capital
                                                               Fees of Operators and Management Expense Payouts.
Thus Takaful means Islamic Insurance which is Shariah Com-
plaint. Insured- Insurer and Shareholders all are covered in                       TAKAFUL OPERATORS
this Co-operative concept of Insurance. 'Takaful Re' also is                                Create
an extention of the same principles based on Co-operation
of Takaful Reinsurer and Insurers of Takaful Markets.                            TAKAFUL MUTUAL FUND
                                                                                            Out of
In 1985, thus Takaful Insurance and Takaful Reinsurance
were agreed as Islamic Insurance and Reinsurance which                 Premiums-Profit and Investment Income
are Shariah - Complaint.

Takaful Model:-

                                                                  Dividend Payouts            Or from
Takaful Mutual Fund is constituted out of Premiums i.e.                  From                 Profits +
Contributions by all Policy Holders. It is collected and kept       Overall Profits
as Takaful Pool Fund by the Takaful Operator who is Admin-                             Investment Returns
istrator to manage the FUND.
                                                               Members i.e. Policy Holders get Interest Free Loans from
Policies affected by valid claims get Losses from the Takaful  Operators Fund. Thus Welfare of Takaful Members is assured
Insurance Company. The Pool Operator makes payments of         by Co-operative Insurance Structure of Takaful.
losses out of the Takaful Mutual Fund to the Policy Holders.
                                                               Takaful Terminology

Many policies remain claims free. Moreover Investment          i) 'AQD' - Contract
Income also added to the Takaful Mutual Fund. Profits of       ii) 'AMANAH' - Trust
the Fund are distributed among Shareholders as Dividend        iii) 'BAY' - Sale
payouts and SHAREHOLDERS FUND is created.                      iv) GHARAR - Unknown or Uncertain Factors
                                                               v) IJARAH - Service, Employment
Profits are also distributed to Policyholders and a POLICY-    vi) JUALAH - Reward for Service

Thus,entire operation of Takaful is based on Co-operative      vii) 'KAFALAH' OR AL.DAMAN - Guarantee, Surety
Principles, Brotherhood, and Interest free Loans to needy      viii) MAISIR OR MYSIR - Gambling.
members of the Takaful Pool.                                   ix) MUDARBAH - Sharing of Profit And Loss

The main Takaful operation model involves:                     x) MUSHARKAH - Partnership.
                                                               xi) RIBA - Interest.
 The creation of a Shariah supervisory board that over-       xii) SALAM - Sale by Deferred Delivery
     sees insurance operations and compliance with the         xiii) TABARRU - Donation- Charity
     Shariah                                                   xiv) WADIAH - Deposit

 The separation of shareholder funds from policyholder

                                                               The Insurance Times, February 2016 19

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