Page 15 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 15

The Insurance Act, 2015 interpretation mystification                                     Future Generali hiring
                                                                                         housewives as insurance
The Insurance Act, 2015 contained           was suppression of material facts at         agents
provisions for non-life insurance claim     the time of insurance of policy.
rejection after three years, has been                                                    Future Generali Life Insurance Com-
interpreted differently by the insurers.    Vighnesh Shahane, chief executive of-        pany has been reaching out to
The small hitch is that many are as-        ficer, IDBI Federal
suming it retrospectively from 2012,        Life Insurance, said                         housewives who are frequent visitors
others are looking at it from the date      they were following                          to shopping malls to portray the role
of passage of the ordinance.                the section from                             of insurance agents or advisors.
                                            the date of passage
Section 45 of the Act says no claim can     of the Ordinance;                            "We have got encouraging response
be repudiated after three years of the      that is from Decem-                          from women. About 100 housewives
policy coming in force. Even if there is    ber 24, 2014. He said, "We have made         have already become insurance
a misrepresentation of facts, claims        a minor change - earlier, the guaran-        agents for us," Munish Sharda, Man-
cannot be rejected.                         tee was not applicable to death claim        aging Director and Chief Executive
                                            arising within two years of insurance,       Officer, Future Generali Life Insur-
Life insurers had sought clarifications     commencement or revival of policy or         ance told.
from IRDAI on whether premium               addition/deletion of any rider, now we
would be refunded for a policy that has     have increased this cap to three             The rationale behind the move is in-
run for more than three years and ac-       years,".                                     teresting. There has been a dearth
quired paid-up value results in claim                                                    of youngsters who wish to take up
within three years from the date of         Hence, the claims guarantee norms            sale of insurance as a profession and
last revival and it is found that there     would underdog a change.                     it makes sense to supplement the
                                                                                         marketing efforts by enlisting house-
Future to apply for Corporate Licence to sell Insurance                                  wives who might have some free
                                                                                         time to sell insurance between their
in Stores                                                                                daily chores.

Kishore Biyani's Future Retail in plan-     The insurance companies had earlier          "Actually, this is a profession where
ning to apply for a corporate agency        started selling products at these stores     one can work selectively. Once you
licence to sell insurance policies to any-  by themselves, but failed to make it         understand the product and its rel-
one walking into the group's                work and they had to abort the plan.         evance to customers properly, it
hypermarkets and retail stores. About       Now they have decided to come out            should not be a difficult task as lev-
32 crore footfall is calculated in Big      with a more vigorous effort with Future      els of awareness about insurance
Bazaar and other retail outlets every       Retail as their corporate agent.             has been fast growing. This suits
year.                                                                                    housewives," he said.
                                                     "The earlier model is undergo-
Selling insurance through its                        ing some changes. Previously,       According to V. Manickam, Secre-
stores is a natural course for                       we had our own set of people        tary-General, Life Insurance Council,
the Future Group, which holds                        stationed at stores. Now, em-       the move to rope in housewives is
major it stakes in two ventures                      ployees of Future Retail will be    relevant for the industry as well as
- Future General India Life In-                      responsible for selling policies,"  society.
surance and Future Generali                          K. G. Krishnamoorthy Rao, MD
India Insurance Company.                             & CEO of Future Generali India      "It is welcomed as a lady can easily
                                            Insurance told.                              convince another lady than a man
"Big Bazaar is big. We need to figure                                                    on the need for saving and having
out how to capture the imagination of       The retail giant is in the process of ap-    social security. The household savings
customers," said Munish Sharda, MD          plying for a licence from IRDAI a senior     with women can be tapped while
and CEO of Future Generali India Life       Future retail executive said. "Future        offering social security for the fam-
Insurance. "We are planning over the        Retail can be a big distribution platform    ily or the kids," he said.
counter products to suit customers          for insurance products. It's a win-win
stepping into Future Retail's stores."      solution for all," the executive said.

                                            The Insurance Times, February 2016 15

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