Page 12 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 12

Health Insurance


Hospitals to be registered under ROHINI with 13                                         Cashless Health insurance

digits UID                                                                              on DBT platform by Govt

The Insurance Information Bureau of        ing, said R. Raghavan, CEO, IIB, at a        The government is now working on
India has launched Registry of Hospi-      press meet in Mumbai. For consumers,         a universal
tals in Network of Insurance (ROHINI),     the registry will help in providing a        health insur-
a process to register 32,651 unique        database of hospitals and medical            ance plan
hospitals to ease inability in claim       records, added Raghavan.                     which will pro-
settlements. IIB has col-                                                               vide a seamless
laborated with GS1 India,                               The portal will facilitate na-  solution to the
promoted by the Ministry                                tional, state and regional-     existing cashless health schemes in
of Commerce, in providing                               level analytical reporting      states by integrating those with the
hospitals a 13-digit globally                           on healthcare such as geog-     Centre's Direct Benefits Transfer
unique ID and Geo code                                  raphy-based trends, pat-        (DBT) platform. The Govt. is talking
based on their address.                                 terns of diseased occur-        over it with states providing cashless
                                           rence and cost patterns, which will          health insurance such as Karnataka,
The Hospital Self Service Portal will al-  help determine standardized treat-           Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.
low hospital to register and edit infor-   ment costs. The public financial man-
mation on it. It will provide an elec-     agement system (PFMS) and National           "Encouraged by the success of the so-
tronic exchange of medical records         Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)         cial security schemes launched earlier
between hospitals and insurance com-       will help with disbursement of health        in 2015, we are now looking at prod-
panies to ensure faster claims process-    subsidies under DBT.                         ucts in the health insurance sector by
                                                                                        ensuring access. We are discussing it
Complaints against health insurers rises 2% in FY15                                     with states," said a government offi-
                                                                                        cial who did not wish to be named.
The number of customer complaints          among the customers regarding the
against health insurers went up by 2       policies as the main reason for the          "We are building a DBT platform.
per cent to 25,600 in fiscal 2015 over     spike in complaints.                         Under that, we will provide SMS and
the previous year. According to data                                                    phone call notifications on money
from General Insurance Council,            "In health insurance, the number of          transfers. Besides, we are building a
around 11,000 or 44 per cent com-                          complaints has gone up       web or Smartphone app", said the
plaints registered in 2014-15 were re-                     mainly because of the        official. The states will be asked to
lated to claim settlement, up from                         lack of understanding        tap the Centre's JAM trinity (Jan
about 10,000 complaints in 2013-14.                        among the insured about      Dhan, Aadhaar and mobiles) and the
                                                           the policies issued to       subsidy payment platform. Aadhaar
In policy terms, 7,000 or 29 per cent                                                   will help in direct biometric identifi-
complaints were registered in 2014-15      them," General Insurance Council Sec-        cation of targeted citizens, and Jan
as against 6,000 or 26 per cent com-       retary General R Chandrasekaran told.        Dhan bank accounts and mobile
plaints in the year-ago, the data          Topping the list is the customer de-         phones will help in direct transfer of
showed. However, industry players          manding to cover even the room rent-         funds, cutting out all intermediaries.
have blamed "lack of understanding"        als, which is not covered under his or
                                           her policy.

12 The Insurance Times, February 2016

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