Page 9 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 9

Centre, IRDAI to crack down vehicles without TPA                                      IRDAI to use satellite

Insurance                                                                             technology for crop-loss

The Centre and the IRDAI plans to get     cial data. While buying insurance is        settlement
tough with vehicles plying on the roads   mandatory at the time of purchase of
without insurance. "The Ministry of       a vehicle, it is not generally renewed      IRDAI is actively considering the use
Road Transport and Highway has            from the second year onwards.                                         of satellite re-
agreed to share data on vehicles ply-                                                                           mote sensing
ing in the country with us                "We are working on developing neces-                                  technology as
to identify those without                                sary protocols to take this                            a mapping
mandatory motor third-                                   arrangement forward,"                                  tool for agri-
party insurance", Sriram                                 the official said, adding
Taranikanti, Executive                                   that identification of un-   cultural yield estimation and crop
Director, IRDAI, told.                                   insured vehicles will be     losses in a bad monsoon year. The
                                                         taken up in all the States   move aimed at ensuring faster
The data will be shared with the IIB                                                  settlement of crop insurance losses,
regulator, which, in turn, will collabo-  in a phased manner.                         comes at a time when the country
rate with the State police to crack                                                   has experienced back-to-back mon-
down on the owners of vehicles plying     The detector of uninsured vehicles will     soon failures - the first since 1986-87.
without insurance. There are about        be helpful to thousands of road acci-
12.5 crore vehicles in the country and    dent victims. It is also likely to have a   At present, about 50 crop insurance
55 per cent of these do not have third-   positive impact on the general insurers     products are being marketed by the
party insurance, according to the offi-   as along with the mandatory cover,          Agriculture Insurance Company of
                                          vehicle owners tend to buy other types      India Ltd. (AICIL) and other general
                                          of insurance cover, Taranikanti said.       Insurance Companies.

Trade credit insurance policy to get refined                                          IRDAI has concluded a series of dis-
                                                                                      cussion with stakeholders and a num-
IRDAI has recently proposed changes in    IRDAI said it proposes to allow issuance    ber of research studies and experi-
guidelines on trade credit insurance in   of trade credit insurance policy to RBI     ments are also being undertaken by
an exposure draft on 'Amendment to        registered entities, for conducting fac-    institutions associated with agricul-
Guidelines on Trade Credit Insurance'.    toring business in line with The Factor-    ture and rural development through-
The sectoral regulator said changes in    ing Act, 2011. "This cover shall be re-     out the country. Sources said that the
the economy, especially in micro, small,  stricted to short-term financing against    use of this technology / should mark
medium enterprise (MSME) sector, has      receivables, representing supply of         a move towards speedy assessment
increased the need for trade credit and   goods, materials and services," said        and settlement of crop losses.
has enhanced the scope for the credit     the exposure draft.
insurance sector diversely.                                                           The south-west monsoon season of
                                          As against the existing policy of net       2015 had registered an overall rain-
Trade credit insurance is an insurance    retention of the insurer for trade-         fall deficit of 14.3 per cent relative
policy offered by private insurance       credit insurance of up to 2 per cent of     to the 'normal' long period average
companies and governmental export         the net worth, IRDAI is proposing the       for June-September, making it a de-
credit agencies to business entities      same to be increased to up to 5 per         ficient monsoon.
wishing to protect their accounts re-     cent. As per existing rules, no trade
ceivable from loss due to credit risks    credit insurance policy is allowed to       One of the main reasons for low lev-
such as protracted default, insolvency    cover factoring, reverse factoring and      els of insurance penetration in crop
or bankruptcy.                            bill discounting.                           insurance is the lack of awareness
                                                                                      about the insurance products and
10 companies lined up for foreign investment                                          the benefits of various policies. AICIL
                                                                                      at present transacts only in crop in-
As many as 10 insurance companies have applied for regulatory clearances to           surance business while other policies
bring in foreign investment of Rs.6,192 crore, the government said. On March          covering various risks pertaining to
23, 2015 the Centre had notified the hike in foreign direct investment (FDI) cap      farmers such as agriculture imple-
to 49 per cent from 26 per cent. "Ten insurance companies have applied to IRDAI       ments personal accident and live-
and Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and the foreign investment into         stock are extended by other general
India involved in these transactions is approximately Rs.6,192 crore," Minister       insurance companies.
of State for Finance Jayant Sinha said in a written reply.

                                              The Insurance Times, February 2016 9

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