Page 5 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 5

General Insurance


National Insurance Com-                    'Caveat emptor', home insurance policy contains

pany Ltd. pays highest                     much more

dividend to GOI                            New India Assurance has recently         It does not protect individual flats or
                                           launched a home insurance product        the contents inside.
National Insurance Company Limited         Griha Suvidha where claims up to a
                       has announced       certain amount can be claimed with-      Customers must know that home insur-
                       the payment of      out bills which make it easier for cus-  ance not only protects the house from
                       highest ever Divi-  tomers, Md. Zafir Alam, General Man-     structural damage, floods, fire or theft.
                       dend of Rs.193.53   ager, New India Assurance points out.    It also covers electronic gadgets from
                       crore to the Gov-                                            damage or theft ever outside of the
                       ernment of India    Despite initiatives like this,
                                           demand for home insurance                             house, gold jewellery even
for the Financial Year 2014-15.            is low in India, primarily due                        if it is stolen while travelling
                                           to lack of awareness. For in-                         and accidental death or
The cheque was handed over to Fi-          stance, a resident of a high-                         theft of pedigree pets.
nance Minister Arun Jaitley by Rajesh      rise building may not feel
Aggarwal, Chairman cum Managing            the need for insurance because the                    "We have seen higher de-
Director and Shri M. Vasantha              housing society is protected against     mand for home insurance in case of a
Krishna, Director and General Man-         fire and theft. But one got to remem-    catastrophe like earthquake or cyclone
ager at New Delhi. This is the third       ber that the society's insurance only    or a rise in incidents of theft in a par-
consecutive year that NIC has con-         covers common areas in the building.     ticular area or building," says Suresh
tributed a handsome dividend to the                                                 Nair, head product development, Bajaj
National Exchequer.                                                                 Allianz General Insurance.

Insurers speed up to                       12,000 flood-affected cars to get repaired in Chennai

settle Chennai flood vic-                                          Car makers are gearing up to repair and service about
                                                                   12,000 cars impacted by the Chennai floods. Companies are
tims' claims: GIC                                                  mobilising additional service workforce and offering part-
                                                                   waivers. The insurance claim process is also being simpli-
The General Insurance Council has                                  fied with the insurance companies.
said that general insurers are taking
all steps possible to expedite claim       Claims to cross Rs 2,000 crore in Chennai and other
settlement to the rain and floods vic-
tims in Chennai, with minimum and          affected parts
relevant documents. Toll-free num-
bers, help lines and call centres have     Insurance companies are likely to take a hit of more than Rs.2000 crore follow-
been set up to assist policyholders        ing torrential rain in Chennai, Puducherry and other parts of Tamil Nadu and
settle claims. Property owners,            Andhra Pradesh. Due to inundation the insurers expect a large number of claims
SMEs and commercial establish-             for automobile, property and from small and medium enterprises.
ments whose properties have been
affected, are advised to contact           A senior official of a private insurance company said overall claims submitted to
their insurers to assess the damages.      the industry are likely to exceed Rs.2,000 crore as the disaster has resulted in
                                           massive destruction to life and property.

                                           The Insurance Times, February 2016 5

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