Page 6 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 6

Centre to pay 50% premium for crop insurance: Agro Min                              New India Assurance

Up till now, the Bengal government        because it often suffered damage from     gets Rs.500 crore of
gave half the premium for insurance       blight, a fungus. The Centre had started
only on paddy and wheat. The Centre       the crop insurance scheme in 1999,        claims post-Chennai
bore the remaining amount. But now        when it paid 50 per cent of the premium
the scenario is going to change. State    and the rest was borne by the farmers.    floods
Agriculture Minister Purnendu Bose
said that the government                  But after Mamata Banerjee became          Non-life insurance industry ends up
would pay 50 per cent of                               the Chief Minister of West   receiving around 10,000 claims val-
the premium for insurance                              Bengal in 2011, she an-      ued at nearly Rs.2,500 crore from
on crops except potatoes.                              nounced that her govern-     people affected by the Tamil Nadu
                                                       ment would pay 50 per cent   floods.
Bose said the plan could                               of the premium in insurance
cost the Bengal govern-                                involving paddy and wheat.   Among them the New India Assur-
ment an additional Rs.150 crore annu-                                               ance Company has received 2,000
ally. In the current Rabi season, farm-   "Our insurance scheme ensures that
ers grow pulses, grams, groundnut,        any farmer who has suffered a loss of                          claims approx,
mustard and maize.                        over 33 per cent in production would                           amounting to
                                          be given Rs.1,000 as minimum com-                              Rs.500 crore, in
An agriculture department official said   pensation and upto Rs.27,000" the                              the aftermath of
potato was not included in the scheme     minister said.                                                 the Chennai rain
                                                                                                         devastation. It has
Motor cover to cost 15% more in metros after Chennai flood                                               been able to settle
                                                                                    200 claims amounting to Rs.6 crore
Car owners in Mumbai, New Delhi,          Various parameters, including geogra-     till now, according to Chairman and
Chennai and Kolkata may have to pay       phy and fuel type, are considered while   Managing Director G. Srinivasan.
15% higher premium than other parts       pricing the motor insurance policy.
of the country as insurance companies     Chennai floods have resulted in record    He also said it was too early after
believe the risk of insuring cars in big  claims, which is more than double of      the floods, and the company would
metros are higher. The assessment         what insurers faced during the Mumbai     expeditiously settle the claims. On-
came after the Chennai floods, which      floods in 2006.                           account payments would be made to
saw more than Rs. 1,500 crore worth                                                 the affected parties for immediate
of claims.                                "After the Chennai experience we          relief. He also said there was to scar-
                                          know that severity of claims is higher    city of surveyors in Chennai.
"We will have to build in the factor of   in metros, so there will be an increase
flood for all big cities that are devel-  in premium," said S. S. Gopalaratnam,     "Surveyors from Bengaluru and
oping fast and premium should go up       MD and CEO of Cholamandalam MS.           Andhra Pradesh are on the job and
by 10-15%," said Vijay Kumar, head of     He also said, "We are trying to see       Chennai also has sufficient number of
motor insurance at Bajaj Allianz Gen-     if flood related policy rates could       surveyors. Therefore, there is no
eral Insurance. "Simple clogging due to   be revised both in motor and property     problem of surveyors which we faced
rain water can enter basement park-       because losses are higher by up to        in Visakhapatnam after the Hudhud
ing and result in claims."                10%”.                                     cyclone in 2014", he explained.

Government may sell stakes in General Insurance as                                  Srinivasan said the Claim process has
                                                                                    been made trouble-free where
part of plan                                                                        people affected by the floods can
                                                                                    give a simple request with evidence
Centre is working on an ambitious disinvestment agenda for the next fiscal year,    which could be a photograph of the
and proposals it is considering include selling stakes in state-owned general in-   affected object. A surveyor will do
surers. As a first step, government has decided to convert General Insurance        the inspection in 24 hours and an
Corporation of India, into a public limited company. It has also approved reduc-    interim payment will be made in two
ing face value of each GIC Re share to Re 1 from Rs 1,000. The government is        to three days, he said. There is a
facing a massive shortfall in its divestment target in the current fiscal year      now a standard operating procedure
through March.                                                                      to process claims for catastrophic
                                                                                    losses, he said.
 6 The Insurance Times, February 2016

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