Page 17 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 17

World's Top 10 Insurers Ranked by Premium, Assets                                        Munich Re generates

The world's largest insurer as mea-         5. Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd., Japan     third-quarter profit of
sured by 2014 net premiums written is       6. Legal & General Group plc, United
UnitedHealth Group Inc., according to                                                    •525m in a challenging
a ranking by A.M. Best of the world's           Kingdom
largest insurance companies.                7. Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., Italy      environment
                                            8. Prudential plc, United Kingdom
France's AXA S.A. kept its top spot         9. Berkshire Hathaway Inc., United           Munich Re posted a consolidated
among global insurers ranked by as-                                                                            profit of •2.4bn
sets, but fell to No. 2 by net premiums         States                                                         for the first nine
written (NPW).                              10. Nippon Life Insurance Co., Japan                               months of 2015
                                                                                                               (same period last
Also climbing in rank among the top 10      According to A.M Best, the top 10 glo-                             year: •2.4bn). In
by NPW were health insurers Anthem          bal insurers ranked by NPW are:                                    the third quarter,
Inc., Kaiser Foundation Group of            1. UnitedHealth Group Inc., United
Health Plans and Aetna Inc., all of                                                      the Group realised a profit of
which saw rapid gains in the U.S.               States                                   •525m. For the current financial
health insurance market. Also making                                                     year, Munich Re is still aiming for a
gains were China-based companies in         2. AXA S.A., France                          profit of at least •3bn.
the ranking by NPW.
                                            3. Allianz SE, Germany                       CFO Jörg Schneider summed up the
According to A.M. Best, the top 10                                                       figures saying, "With a quarterly profit
global insurers ranked by non-banking       4. Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., Italy      of •525m, we remain on course for
assets are:                                                                              another gratifying result for the year".
1. AXA S.A., France                         5. Anthem Inc., United States                As regards the developments in the
                                                                                         third quarter, Schneider said, "The
                                            6. China Life Insurance (Group) Co.,         capital market turbulences have left
                                                China                                    their mark on the investment result,
                                                                                         with below-average realised gains on
                                            7. State Farm Group, United States           disposals, write-downs of equities, and
                                                                                         losses from derivative hedging instru-
2. Allianz SE, Germany                      8. Kaiser Foundation Group of Health         ments."
3. MetLife Inc., United States                  Plans, United States
4. Prudential Financial Inc., United                                                     In the third quarter, the operating
                                            9. Munich Reinsurance Co., Germany           result was below the figure for the
    States                                  10. Aetna Inc., United States                same quarter last year at •579m.
                                                                                         The amount posted under "other
Insurance Execs' Midlife Crisis Cure: Four AIG, ACE                                      non-operating result" totalled -
                                                                                         •97m. Overall, the result for the
Veterans Join Startup P2P Insurer Lemonade                                               third quarter was marked by one-off
                                                                                         effects that were negative on bal-
An instech startup looking to disrupt       James Hageman from ACE Insurance             ance, particularly with regard to in-
the property/casualty insurance indus-      and Ron Topping, also from AIG - to          vestments.
try with a new business model has           join its small band of technologists.
turned to four seasoned                                                                  These negative effects were offset
insurance executives from                                  "Insurance professionals      by a below-average random inci-
traditional carriers AIG                                   are typically conservative,   dence of major losses in reinsurance
and ACE Insurance to                                       which is not typically char-  and tax income of •101m. Compared
round out its executive                                    acteristic of a startup,"     with the year-end 2014, sharehold-
team.                                                      Daniel Schreiber, one of      ers' equity remained stable at
                                                           the entrepreneurs behind      •30.0bn, with a decrease in the
Lemonade, the peer-to-                                     the creation of Lemonade      third quarter being due primarily to
peer (P2P) insurance carrier set to launch  said.                                        the reduced balance of unrealised
in the first half of this year, has named                                                gains and losses in Munich Re's
Ty Sagalow, a 25-year senior executive      Schreiber said he joked during the           portfolio.
with American International Group           search process that what Lemonade
(AIG), as its chief insurance officer.      needed was people "going through a
                                            midlife crisis," insurance executives
The New York-based startup has also         who wanted to reinvent themselves
attracted three other seasoned insur-       and the very industry in which they had
ance executives - Robert Giurlando and      achieved success and prominence.

                                            The Insurance Times, February 2016 17

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