Page 24 - The Insurance Times January 2022
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oversight of performance including performance Committee while in some others there is an exclusive
appraisals and, if necessary, dismissal of the CRO. The Committee dealing with Risk Management.
CRO, together with RMCB, shall be actively engaged in
monitoring performance relative to risk-taking and risk According to the Basel III framework, financial firms should
limit adherence have an independent senior executive with distinct
responsibility for the Risk Management function and the
4. The CRO shall be a senior official in hierarchy with
equivalence no less than those at one level below the institution's comprehensive risk management framework.
WTDs/CEO. The CRO shall have the necessary and This executive is commonly referred to as the Chief Risk
adequate professional qualification /experience in the Officer (CRO). Whatever the title, the role of the CRO should
areas of risk management so as to interpret as well as be distinct from other executive functions and business line
articulate risk in an understandable manner. The CRO responsibilities, and there generally should be no "dual
shall have the ability to effectively engage the Board, hatting" (COO, CFO, Chief auditor or other senior
management should not also serve as CRO).
RMCB and management in constructive dialogue on key
risk issues. The CRO will function as a secretary to the
Where the ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) Function
reports is often a contentious issue. In some organizations,
5. The risk management functionaries shall have direct
the CRO, or equivalent, reports to the CFO. But there is a
access to the RMCB.”
distinct disadvantage to this set-up. The CRO is expected to
challenge the CFO on financing or securitization choices. In
Though the document is still a draft, this has stirred a serious this set up, he or she may fail to challenge effectively due
debate on the issue of reporting structure of Risk to his subordinate position.
Management team (particularly CRO). And this makes it a
perfect background for any meaningful thought sharing on Some organizations have responded to this challenge with
this issue. a second option, in which the CRO reports directly to the
CEO. This structure may help ease potential conflicts
Introduction: between the CRO and CFO. However, this structure may also
Wikipedia points out that the term, ‘Tone at the Top’, be an imperfect solution. Given the CEO’s many other
originated in the field of accounting and referred to the concerns and responsibilities, he may not have the ability
transparency and integrity of the financial statements and to adequately address risk issues when other strategic issues
other reporting to shareholders. The term has been used require time and focus. Besides, there is always a pressure
much more widely recently and primarily refers to the tone on CEO to show Quarter wise performance, forcing him to
set by the Board of an organization, but it can also refer to take a myopic view of the things.
the tone set by the Audit and/or Risk committee, other
Board committees as well as by the CEO and Senior Another alternative is that the CRO reports to the Board of
Executives. Directors, either directly or via a Board-level Committee. If
the reporting line includes a Committee, the structure
Risk oversight is a primary Board responsibility, and in the typically works best when ERM is incubated under a
evolving business and risk landscape, Directors need to separate Risk Committee and not under the existing Audit
develop and continuously improve practices to establish a
well-defined and effective oversight function.
The Board sets the tone of the organization in the way it
executes its responsibilities. Establishing the right tone at the
top is much more than a compliance exercise. “Tone at the
top” demands that leaders—and especially the CEO—find ways
to connect with people inside and outside the organization.
Once tone at the top is established, the CEO, Board and the
CRO continually work to reinforce and strengthen it.
Within the board, where does responsibility for risk oversight
lie? In many companies, it rests with the Board’s Audit
24 The Insurance Times, January 2022